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Chapter one


1.0 Background of the Study

In every organisation, select critical individuals have the potential to influence the thoughts and actions of others. Every member of an organisation is required to strive towards achieving the organization’s aims.

As a result, there is a power structure made up of those who make decisions and ensure that they are implemented in the best interests of the organisation and its members.

In the private sector, these individuals are referred to as “managers,” whereas in the public sector, they are referred to as administrators. Regardless of the title they bear, they are in charge of the management of their respective organisation, and the success or failure of their actions determines the overall success of the organisation.

Leadership is an endeavour to influence another individual or group, whereas a leader is someone who attempts to persuade another person to carry out specific tasks.

Power is one of the tools utilised by leaders to gain the acquiescence of their followers or subordinates (Marissa Brassfield 2012). It is commonly known that poor management may undermine employee morale and job performance, but new research suggests that lousy leaders can also harm their subordinates’ overall well-being.

A research published in the journal of business and psychology asked employees to score statements such as “my supervisor tries to motivate me by making me feel guilty for not doing enough” and “my supervisor consults with me to find out what changes I would like to my work.”

Anyone who has had a poor manager will likely recognise the reactions. Bosses with negative or dominating management styles tended to generate a lower level of well-being in their staff.

Encouraging managers who allowed for autonomy resulted in happier employees, and a supportive workplace culture has a good impact on worker well-being.

Employee morale describes an employee’s feelings, mood, satisfaction, and overall outlook while at work. Part of successful productivity is believed to be directly tied to staff morale.

Employees that are cheerful and enthusiastic at work are said to have a high level of morale. Companies with employees that are unsatisfied with their work environment are said to have negative or poor employee morale.

Managers who wish to succeed should cry and adopt the following.

The need to cry and keep staff morale high so that they are always getting the best out of their colleagues

Incentive in the workplace can be a useful technique to enhance employees’ morale, allowing them to feel valued and this difficult
Employee morale can also be impacted if they have a sense of belonging because they desire to be a part of the organisation.

person morale in the workplace is influenced by various elements, including work hours and a positive relationship between managers and employees. If a person is emotionally unstable and their manager seems unconcerned, it can negatively impact productivity.

According to Hersey (1985: 27), once entrusted with the management of the organisation, managers (collectively referred to as management) are expected to provide results, efficiency, effectiveness, and high production.

Human, capital, equipment, land, and other resources are used; nevertheless, the human resource, which constitutes the followers in an organisation, is more crucial to the manager’s and organization’s performance.

The way by which he combines these resources defines his leadership style, and the success or failure of his management style influences the morale of his workforce.

If it drives subordinates away from him, his style is considered unsuccessful. As a result, he is likely to fail in his managerial role. This is due to a lack of job satisfaction and thus motivation among the workers

hence the issue of the relationship between management style and employee morale was chosen with the goal of determining the impact of management style on his subordinates as a manager.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Organisations with low productivity levels may theoretically get a lot more done, but they have factors that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

This resulted in money wasted and ground lost to competitors. Knowing why your organisation is missing will lead you to appropriate ways to boost productivity and profit.

Poor Management: Ineffective management techniques reduce an organization’s production in various ways. The overall strategy for such a corporation is inefficient since the manager fails to identify and apply the most productive ways to complete tasks.

Individual employees struggle under ineffective management. They lack the freedom and mentorship required to fulfil their greatest potential, thus they do not do as much as they could.

Employee dissatisfaction: Dissatisfied employees are often unproductive. Employees that are satisfied and passionate about their professions perform better at work.

People have a natural tendency to prioritise things they like, so an employee who enjoys his job would automatically put it ahead of his other desires, such as relaxing, conversing with coworkers, or getting through the day so she can go home. Finding the perfect staff and building an effective firm.

Employee Personal difficulty: Employees who are suffering personal troubles are less productive than those who are not facing a similar difficulty. Stress, particularly poor health, contribute to low levels of productivity.

Companies can give on-site counselling to help employees reduce stress and deal through other personal issues that are preventing productivity. Companies can also urge employees to use sick time as needed to avoid contracting a more serious disease or coming into the office and infecting others.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study’s objectives shall include the following:

To identify the prevalent management style in a given business.

To investigate the relationship between managerial style and employee morale.

To uncover the factors that influence management styles and staff morale in organisations.

To determine the management style that bring about organisational performance and employee morale.

1.4 Research Questions.

The research questions are as follows:

1. What is the prevalent management style that contributes to organisational success.

2) Does management style have any association with employee morale?

3. How may factors that impact management styles on employee morale be identified in the organisation?

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