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1.1 Background Of The Study

Teachers are at the heart of global education since they are in charge of students’ mental, physical, and moral growth at all educational institutions around the world (Paula, M., 1996).

The most significant role in the educational process is that of the instructor. They are required to demonstrate constructive behaviour as role models as they strengthen and grow the human intellect through education.

Good behaviour is a requirement for effective teaching and learning, as well as an important educational outcome that society justifiably expects.

The interaction between the individual and the environment, which includes physiological, physical, and psychological factors, results in behaviour (Alexander, 2000). Evans and colleagues (1989).

This interaction of components has been generally endorsed by educational psychologists (Cochran-Smith, 2003), and it is vividly illustrated in the learner-centered model of teaching (Lambert & McCombs, 1998).

One of the most frequently cited difficulties in today’s public schools is student misconduct. In fact, instructors consider student behaviour regulation to be one of their most challenging challenges, as well as one of their most severe training and skill gaps (Weigle, 1997).

Disruptive classroom behaviour contributes significantly to teacher stress and discontent, and it has a considerable impact on teachers’ capacity to maintain a productive and orderly learning environment (Hawe, Tuck, Manthei, Adair, & Moore, 2000).

Historically, in the 1970s, educators and psychologists emphasised the importance of student participation and accomplishment in preventing disruptive behaviour in the classroom.

Over the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in the direct and indirect assessment and analysis of problem behaviour in school settings in order to determine the function of disruptive behaviour and develop more targeted interventions based on these assessments (Lagland, Lewis, & Sugai, 1998).

Partin distinguishes clearly between incompetent and highly effective teachers. According to his research, effective teachers are in charge of their courses but are not obsessed with the concept of control.

According to Partin’s research, developing norms or rules of conduct to guide student behaviour is an important first step in establishing standards for acceptable behaviour in the classroom.

Instead of attempting to detail all possible forbidden behaviours, it appears that the most successful way to persuade individuals to follow rules is to define them positively and explain what you want to happen.

As a result, discipline and classroom management are two of the most important, yet difficult and complex, considerations for instructors.

Notably, the primary purpose of teachers in the classroom is to aid students in learning. In a chaotic environment, learning is tough. As a result, we are continuously challenged to create and sustain a joyful, productive learning environment.

On any given day, this could be a difficult task. In our efforts to address this issue, we frequently make mistakes in classroom behaviour management.

According to Lawrence and Steadman (1984), many teachers are naturally hesitant to recognise that the causes of their students’ misbehaviour may be found as frequently in their teaching as in the students’ incapacity or failure to learn.

Steadman, on the other hand, believes that the most effective technique for dealing with behaviour difficulties is to try to prevent them from arising in the first place, and subsequently to limit their incidence.

As a result, if teachers continue to exhibit negative stress-related behaviour, it may have an impact on her teaching technique and the learning outcome.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Maintaining order in the classroom while meeting academic goals is one of the most difficult responsibilities for a teacher. Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs can also play a role in the discovery and generation of behaviour problems.

Tolerance levels for behavioural issues vary greatly among instructors, and it’s not uncommon for two teachers at the same school to hold opposite views on whether or not a pupil has a problem.

This does not indicate that one is correct and the other is incorrect; rather, it reflects the people’s diverse ideas and attitudes, as well as their differing expectations for the behaviour of their students (Upton, 1997).

Because of these concerns, teachers must maintain high levels of discipline, even when the stress of teaching forces them to resort to physical or verbal abuse to control classroom behaviour.

When confronted with their students’ misbehaviour, many teachers become defensive and angry, making it difficult to assess themselves, their practises, and attitudes, giving a negative message to the students who may be pushed to act deviantly.

After reviewing a large amount of literature on undesirable behaviours in classroom settings or classroom management, it was discovered that many researchers had focused on unwanted student behaviour in the classroom,

while there was a scarcity of literature on negative teacher behaviour in the classroom. As a result, this study tries to investigate the impact of negative classroom behaviour on teachers’ teaching methods.

1.3 Objectives of the Research

The overarching goal of this study is to investigate the impact of poor classroom behaviour on teachers’ instructional methods. The study specifically intends to:

To investigate the many sorts of negative behaviour displayed by teachers during the teaching-learning process.

To investigate the elements that cause instructors’ negative behaviour in the classroom.

To see if instructors’ bad attitude would result in a chaotic classroom management.

To determine whether the teacher’s negative behaviour would affect learning outcomes.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

HO1: Negative behaviour by teachers does not result in chaotic classroom management.

HO2: The unpleasant behaviour of the teacher has no effect on the learning outcome.

1.5 Importance of the research

The study’s findings will be useful to teachers and school authorities. It will inform teachers on the proper classroom management techniques to use during instruction, as well as how to comport themselves in order to create a disciplined environment conducive to attaining the desired learning aim.

Finally, the study would add empirically to the body of current literature and serve as a reference tool for students or other researchers who might desire to conduct similar research.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This study’s scope borders on The overarching goal of this study is to investigate the impact of poor classroom behaviour on teachers’ instructional methods. It will investigate the elements that cause instructors’ poor behaviour in the classroom.

It will establish whether instructors’ bad behaviour will result in chaotic classroom management and whether teachers’ negative behaviour would impair learning outcomes. The study, however, is limited to teachers at a few secondary schools in Lagos State.

1.7 limitations Of The study

The researchers encountered minor obstacles when conducting the study, like with any human attempt. The significant constraint was the scarcity of literature on the subject due to the nature of the discourse, so the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and collecting data,

which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will do this investigation alongside other academic activities. Furthermore, the sample size was limited because only a few respondents were chosen to answer the research instrument,

so the findings cannot be generalised to other schools outside of Lagos State. Despite the constraints encountered during the research, all elements were minimised in order to provide the best results and make the research effective.

1.8 Definitions of terminology

Student Misbehaviour: Student misbehaviour is described as an activity or interaction by a student that disturbs or distracts the flow of learning processes. That is, any incorrect behaviour in the classroom might be classified as student misbehaviour.

Negative behaviour of the teacher: Negative behaviour of the teacher displays the instructor’s violent behaviour towards the students. More specifically, “speaking quickly” in class,

“threatening students with low grades,” and “discriminating against students” were the most often mentioned negative teacher behaviours by students.

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