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The research project focuses on the effects of marketing communication mix on sales volume in the detergent industry, with PZ Nigeria plc, Aba as a case study.

The research work’s objectives were learning about the effect of marketing communication mix in advertising medium selection and how a sales promotion campaign influences the volume of a detergent product.

The researcher was able to address several issues, such as obstacles or constraints encountered while carrying out marketing communication for the organisation under study.

The study questions that were developed include: can marketing communication mix help in achieving an increase in detergent sales volume, and does marketing communication mix contribute to attracting potential customers and retaining current customers, among other things. The study used a population of 70, which included all of the staff in PZ Nigeria’s marketing department.

PZ Aba has a sample size of 50. The methodology used was that of collecting primary and secondary data. The researcher employed % in analysing the respondents profile and the chi-square (x2) scientific approach for evaluating the hypothesis.

Finally, the work produced findings such as “there is a relationship between marketing communication mix and increase in the sales volume of the detergent product,” and recommendations were made,

one of which was that the company’s employees cultivate the habit of speaking positive word of mouth (WOM) about the company’s products.Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Promotion is one of the marketing mix strategy’s elements, along with price, product, and place. If the target public is not sufficiently conveyed or does not have a good understanding of the product/service,

the marketing mix strategy exercise will fail. Organisations must employ promotion to convey or build awareness about their product to the target audience.

However, promotion is a prominent variable via which an organization/firm expresses or sends a message about their company and its products or services to consumers, suppliers, dealers, and so on.

Marketing promotion is the primary purpose of marketing communication, as it aids in projecting a positive image for an organisation and its product in front of its target audience, facilitating acceptance and patronage.

Kernal et al. (1968) discovered that communication mix fosters commonality in relationships between organisations and their largest audiences to the extent that they share information, ideas, thoughts, or attitudes. Typically, the purpose of the communication mix is to boost store traffic, usage, and stock levels, as well as brand switching and stock piling.

The word communication comes from the Latin word “communis,” which meaning “common.” As a result, communication can be defined as the process of establishing a shared or unified thinking between a sender and a receiver. The preceding definition emphasises two crucial concepts.

One communication is a process, including aspects and interrelationships that can be modelled and evaluated in a structured manner.

Secondary, authentic communication requires oneness of thought between the sender and receiver, which implies a sharing relationship between the sender and recipient.

It is a frequent misconception that the sender is the active member of the relationship while the receiver is passive. For example, a person (the sender) communicates with a daydreaming buddy (the intended receiver). It appears that no thoughts are being communicated, hence there is no communication between them.

In this case, the lack of communication is caused by the inactivity of one of the intended receivers. Although sound waves are bouncing off his or her eardrums,

he or she is not actively receiving or sharing thoughts. A human receiver can be compared to a television set, which is constantly blasted by television (electromagnetic) waves from a variety of sources.

However. It will only receive the station for which the channel selector is timed. Human receivers are similarly inundated with impulses from multiple visions; however, a person chooses one source song to act on.

Engel et al. (1983) defined promotion as a controlled integrated programme of communication methods and materials designed to present a company and its products to prospective customers,

to communicate the product’s need-satisfying attributes in order to facilitate sales volume and thus contribute to long-term profile-able performance.

Consumers can purchase a product or service if they are aware of its existence, quality, price, and availability. But kids can learn about these through the communication mix. As Kotler (1988) identified them, they are as follows.

1. Advertising.

2. Personal selling.

3. Public relations.

4. Sales marketing.

5. Publicity

Recently, Kotler and Keller (2009) proposed that the marketing communication mix is made up of eight key modalities of communication, which are

Advertising and Sales Promotion
Events and Experiences
Public Relations and Publicity
Direct Marketing
Interactive marketing.
Word-of-mouth marketing and personal selling.
The primary goal of the marketing communication mix is to encourage individuals to take positive action such as placing orders, making inquiries, and purchasing.

Based on the production under consideration (i.e. detergent), attention will be placed solely on these communication strategies, also known as promotional materials. The communication mix includes. Advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling, among other promotional strategies, will be covered in this research.


The firm was founded on December 4, 1984, under the name P.B. Nicholas Peterson Zochonis (PZ), and Manchester Limited subscribed for 75.5 percent of the company’s issued shares, or kept control through subsidiary companies.

Pz was founded in England in 1884 and became a public company mentioned on the London and Northern Stock Exchange in 1953. Its primary operation is that of general merchants in West Africa, and it has been functioning in this capacity in Nigeria since 1899.

Peterson Zochonis’ (pz) interests presently include industrial projects in Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone, as well as wholesale textile sales in the United Kingdom.

In 1951, Mr. P.B Nicholas sold his stake in the company to P.Z. In 1960, the company acquired its first indigenous Nigerian equity participation, and by the end of 1972, it had sold 10% of its share capital to indigenous Nigerians.

In accordance with federal government directives (indispensation act), it sold another 20% of its shares to Nigerians in 1976, bringing the equity share participation to 60% in favour of Nigerians.

A year later, a new factory building was constructed and contemporary soap-making equipment was installed in Aba, allowing for the export of glycerin and oil cake as well as the purchase of soap-making items that used a large amount of palm oil and other vegetable oil acquired locally.

The increasing popularity of detergents, as revealed by market surveys, prompted the decision to expand the product line to include detergent plant premises, which were built at Ilupeju, Lagos.

In accordance with this spending policy, a sophisticated detergent plant complex was built at Ikorondu Lagos, and production is presently underway.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem is that in today’s society, there are some competitors who produce detergents that are similar to those produced by P.Z, but at a much lower cost.

They also invest in advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, and other promotional tools to raise awareness and stimulate interest among their prospective customers.

Another issue is that most Nigerians do not use the marketing communication mix to increase the volume of their sales in the detergent industry. Nigerian-made goods lack recognition; many do not believe that made-in-Nigeria goods are what they are, and many find it difficult to trust the quality of made-in-Nigeria products and services.

Marketers provide false information about the goods and services available to them. Customers claim that Nigerian goods do not always work as advertised by the manufacturers.

Also, there are many imitations on the market that are sold at a lower price, which has an impact on the original items. Even when the marketing communication mix is used well, the number of sales will be extremely low.

1.3 Object of the Study

The study’s goal is to determine the impact of the marketing message mix on ale volume in the detergent business. The main objectives of this research are given below.

To determine how the marketing communication mix influences the sales volume of the detergent product in the pz corporation.

To determine how the marketing communication mix affects the detergent product’s distribution channel.

To understand how the marketing communication mix affects detergent product sales volume.

To determine how advertising media choices and sales promotion campaigns affect the detergent’s sales volume.

To investigate how a product can be used as a tool in the marketing communication mix.


1. Does the marketing communication mix help to attain detergent sales volume?

2. Is there any relationship between the marketing communication mix and detergent sales volume?

3. Does the marketing communication mix serve to impact client purchasing behaviour?

4. Does the marketing communication mix help to increase the number of potential customers while also connecting with existing customers?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

There are two types of hypotheses employed in this study:

The terms null (Ho) and alternative (Hi) are used here.

Ho: The marketing communication mix is ineffective in increasing detergent sales volume.

Hello: The marketing communication mix contributes to the detergent sales volume.

Ho: There is no association between the marketing communication mix and increased sales volume.

Hi: There is a relationship between marketing communication mix and increased sales volume.

Ho: The marketing communication mix does not help to impact consumer behaviour.

Hi: The marketing communication mix serves to impact customer purchasing behaviour.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The following factors contribute to the research’s importance.

a. As a student, it is a prerequisite for the award of a Higher National Diploma (HDN) in marketing through the School of Business and Management Technology at Abia State Polytechnic Aba. It also acts as a way to organise my marketing expertise.

b. For enterprises in the detergent industry, it assists manufacturers in discovering many successful methods of directing their products to potential clients, resulting in increased sales volume.

c. To future researchers: It will be valuable for future researchers who wish to do research on the challenges under consideration.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This subject covers sales promotion advertising, the history of advertising, advertising agencies and their responsibilities, and personal sales. The research was structured and centred on PZ Nigeria plc, Aba.

The population sample was drawn from persons working in the marketing department of PZ Nigeria plc, Aba, with a total population of approximately 70.The researcher used a sample size of 35 respondents. The work’s constraints are numerous and varied, but the following stand out.

i. Time constraints: The time frame for this assignment is too short, making it too difficult, especially when combined with ordinary lectures.

ii. Inadequate materials: The academic information on marketing communication mix is insufficient for this investigation. This meant that I had to go out and visit various libraries in order to get relevant works with the title resources available to me. Obtaining these materials proved difficult.

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