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Background of The study

Godfatherism emerges as a governing element in modern Nigerian politics. Godfatherism is based on the Judeo-Christian concept of a relationship between the spiritual guarantor and his spiritual kid. I

n a political setting, it is intended to be a partnership between a political guardian with extensive political experience and a neophyte seeking for a government job.

This premise has been distorted, and the basic goal has been defeated. This is currently a major problem to Nigeria’s budding democracy, negatively impacting the lives of the Nigerian people.

In modern countries, citizens’ satisfaction and happiness are largely determined by the amount to which democratic institutions are empowered and perpetuated.Nigerian democracy has a tumultuous past.

From the first republic’s ‘Wild-Wild West’ experience, through extended autocratic military administrations and minisecond and third republics, to the current democratic dispensation, democracy in the country has experienced crippling experiences.

A number of issues contribute to democracy’s perpetual struggle, including weak structures and institutions, the looming presence of the military, corruption, money politics, and Godfatherism (Adebayo, 2000). Godfatherism, on the other hand, has become a frightening phenomena in Nigerian politics.

Godfatherism in Nigeria, particularly in its current shape and character, is distributive, as correctly remarked by (Omotola2007). Though it is an ancient and deeply ingrained component of Nigerian society’s cultural norms, where it is merely socioeconomic in nature and mutually beneficial to both parties, its politicisation appears to have contributed to the criminalization of politics.

The Hausa, for example, have a well-established system in which the godfather is known as “Maigida” (landlord or head of home). Godfathers rule over all aspects of society, including academia, the judicial system, and the religious environment.

As a result, the clamour for democracy in Nigeria is to improve the country’s political and socio-economic situation through massive participation in policymaking, but the reverse is the case, as those who attained political power in both the legislative and executive arms of government got to the seat of power through the support of some political ‘godfathers’ in various states and the centre, but the desire of political godfathers is to hold political and socio-economic power.

As a result, the godfathers’ influence on Nigeria’s general elections was unparalleled.Godfathers are individuals with the security ties, extensive local connections, and vast financial weight to plot and determine the success of a power seeking at any level of ostensibly competitive politics. Although Godfatherism has been an institutionalised component in Nigerian politics over the years,

recent manifestations show that it has reached pandemic proportions, constituting one of Nigeria’s most serious dangers to democratic consolidation (Omotola, 2007, 135). The current acts of certain Nigerian godfathers could be compared to mafia characteristics; nonetheless,

some still consider godfathers as a power balancer in a democracy. According to Akinola (2009), there is a need for a good-hearted guy (people’s hero) to be at the single realm of absolute authority; a godfather distributes power as he sees fit and anoints who rules.

However, given Nigeria’s political milieu, Godfatherism has taken on an unusual dimension. It has destabilised the basis of popular rule, denying Nigerians the much-deserved rewards of democracy.

Godfatherism, in essence, is a threat to Nigeria’s democratic system in the fourth republic. The research is being conducted under these conditions.

Statement of the problem

Democracy could be better than it was before the Fourth Republic, but it has been characterised by Godfatherism, politicking of essential government policies and initiatives in relation to the interests of the masses.

Furthermore, the current democratic system has been undermined by policy reversals, human rights violations, economic enslavement, and massive corruption. Against this backdrop, the research is being conducted with the goal of providing solutions to the democratic difficulties that have been observed.

objectives of The study

The study’s overarching goal is to investigate the roots and consequences of Godfatherism in Nigerian politics during the fourth republic. Other goals are as follows:

i. Determine the distant and immediate causes of Godfatherism in Nigerian politics.

ii. To bring to light the harmful effects on the socioeconomic lives of Nigerians.

iii. To provide remedies to recognised concerns in order to improve Nigeria’s just and equal society.

iv. To investigate the elements that contribute to the establishment and maintenance of young groups that serve as political war machines, as well as their mode(s) of organisation as an agency of godfatherism in Nigerian politics.

Research Questions

In what ways can you provide solutions to the listed challenges in order to improve Nigeria’s just and equal society?

What are the root causes of Godfatherism and party politics in Nigeria?

Does Godfatherism and party politics have an impact on the socioeconomic lives of Nigerians?

How can Nigeria be rid of these negative people?

How can Godfatherism be brought to an end in Nigeria?

The significance of the research

This material will help to improve democratic institutions in order to rid the system of Godfatherism and the politicisation of essential government policies and programmes.

This study will also propose remedies to the identified difficulties in order to improve Nigeria’s just and equal society.

The study’s scope/limitations

The research looks at the impact of Godfatherism on Nigerian politics during the fourth republic (the role of education).

Study limitations

Financial constraint- A lack of funds tends to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection procedure (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will conduct this investigation alongside other academic activities. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

definitions of Term

Godfather: a man who is important in a movement or organisation, either by financial backing or by playing a leading or innovative role in it.

Godfatherism: In a political context, it refers to a relationship that exists between a political guardian with extensive political experience and a neophyte seeking for a government role.

Politics: the activities related with the governance of a country or other territory, particularly the dispute or conflict between persons or groups in power or seeking power.

Nigeria’s republican government is known as the Fourth Republic.

Republic: a state in which the people and their elected representatives hold absolute power, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Education is the process of obtaining or imparting systematic instruction, particularly at a school or university.

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