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This study examined how First Bank Plc, Kaduna’s customers respond to superior service delivery. The bank has neglected to recognise the value of client pleasure, and the cost of banking services is high in that loans have high interest rates and commercial transactions take a long time.

Finding out what services First Bank offers to its customers and determining whether those services are guaranteed to make the consumer happy are the study’s key goals. Interviews and questionnaires were the methods employed in the data collection for the research project.

The conclusion of this study was that employees are happy with their current level of work and that clients are always right in the first bank.

It was determined that a bank that effectively produced and provided good service would welcome the public’s support, even when a bank did both while still desiring the patronage of its clientele.

Additionally, it was advised that management make every effort to meet the staff’s legal obligations and additional benefits. Additionally, they ought to enhance the services they provide to their clients so that they receive more information on matters like loans, purchases, and overdrafts.



The central, commercial, merchant, development, and savings banks are only a few of the institutions that make up the banking sector, which is made up of diverse banks.

The apex bank is the central bank. Despite the fact that banks are categorised according to their functions, a thorough examination of these functions revealed that while they have some similarities, they also have a small but crucial difference.

Like other human endeavours, banking has a history that goes back to 2500 BC. Jews in hombandy in Haley, who conducted business while sitting on benches in the marketplace, are the earliest known bankers.

With the purpose of assessing the degree of customer satisfaction in response to services provided, the study studies customer services since the banking business. FBN PLC, Kaduna has been chosen to serve as our case study so that we can achieve this efficiently.

Nigerian banking

In 1894, the Elder Demister Company and the African Banking Corporation conducted the earliest known banking in Nigeria. Later, in 1894, British West Africa took over the banking operations of these firms.

The colonial bank opened offices in Jos, Kano, Lagos, and Port Harcourt in 1971, changing the situation from what it had been.

The Standard Bank of Nigeria Ltd. and now FBN PLC were once the Bank of British West Africa. Additionally, the colonial bank was renamed to Barclays bank. On March 12th, 1979, its name was changed to Union Bank of Nigeria Limited.

The Industry and Commercial Bank, which was founded in 1929, was the first indigenous bank. It fell apart in 1931 and closed its doors in 1936. The Nigerian national bank was established in 1933. The Agbonmag be’s establishment in 1945 represented the following significant development.

The African Continental Bank was founded in 1946 as the Tinubo Bank, later changing its name to WEMA Bank Plc. The Bank of the North and Cooperative Bank followed in 1959 and 1962, respectively.

In 1949, the United Bank for Africa was also established. The final four banks listed above are still operational.

In 1951, the first banking ordinance came into effect, which prohibited banks from operating without a licence from the government.

The Nigerian central bank, which is responsible for guaranteeing monetary stability and safe commercial banking operations in Nigeria, was founded by the decree.

In 1991, the federal government also supported the idea of rural banking, often known as community banks, to help the rural sector prosper economically.

Community banks were developed in the context of African society, and it was in this context that the late Alhaji Abdulkadir, the former governor of the central bank, noted that “community banks are currently bound to Nigeria.”

The 1947 establishment of the British and French bank eventually had its name changed to United Bank of Africa in 1961.

Nigeria’s Commercial Banks’ Economic Importance

The defining characteristic of a commercial bank is that it presents itself as being ready to accept deposits from the general public on current or deposit accounts in order to honour checks written by and for its customers on their accounts as well as checks drawn on or issued by other banks.

Commercial banks deal in money; they accept deposits from clients, pay clients’ withdrawals against such deposits of demand, collect clients’ checks, and lend or invest clients’ excess deposits until they are called upon for repayment.

It is obvious from the aforementioned functions of commercial banks that they are very beneficial to the government, business community, and other individuals in society.

The government expects the business to carry out its monetary policies, such as limiting credit expansion as necessary.In developing nations like Nigeria, the central bank serves as a significant short-term lender by purchasing treasury bills as a lender of last resort to meet client needs.


The quantity of consumers that banks can serve will determine if they are able to survive. The cost of bank services is high, interest rates on loans and deposits are high, the amount of time it takes to conduct business in a bank is long, and there are also long lines and a large number of people in the banking hall, which can be annoying.

In addition, the quality of bank services is in doubt due to the rising incidence of fraud, forgeries, and even money theft from customers.


This research aims to analyse:

the different services that First Bank provides to its clients and an assessment of whether those services ensure client satisfaction.

to determine the reasons for the lengthy waits in lines, the crowding, and the hostile sounds in the bank.

to investigate the staff’s behaviour towards clients and issues with the services provided by this bank in order to provide recommendations based on the results.

The main goal of this research project is a requirement for the National Diploma in Banking and Finance.


What kinds of services does First Bank Nigeria Plc provide to please its clients?

What are the reasons for the lengthy waits, the crowding, and the hostile noise in the bank?

What is the bank’s staff’s attitude towards customers and how do they respond?

First Bank employees and customers get along well, which leads to excellent profitability.


initial bank As a commercial bank, Nigeria Plc performs a number of banking activities, including providing high-quality service. The only focus of this effort is to investigate how banks have responded to issues with the duty of ensuring customer satisfaction through quick and efficient customer service.

These can be helpful to consumers of the bank on how to handle the services supplied to them as well as to students who can make reference to it when writing project reports about the bank. These will be used for the policy makers of the bank and other banks.

As a final point, the suggestions offered will demonstrate a practical effort on the part of the researchers to add to the body of information that currently exists in order to guarantee effective customer services.


The study will focus only on the management, tools, and techniques used to deliver effective, gratifying customer service, with the potential to offer suggestions to improve the efficiency of this aspect of commercial banking in the twenty-first century.

However, it is anticipated that any data gathered in relation to the samples will represent the population as a whole, and data from first bank Nigeria Plc Kaduna is regarded as reliable for the purpose.


Multiple visits to the organisation caused a financial difficulty, delaying the researcher’s care, and increasing travel costs made it more expensive to get there.

The banking industry’s secrecy played a significant role in limiting the sources of information because the author was unable to acquire key crucial records that would have been extremely helpful.

Additionally, it was difficult to see the officer designated to provide the necessary information because, as is typical of the banking sector, he was frequently preoccupied.


Commercial Bank: A commercial bank is one that provides the complete range of financial services to business, industry, and other economic sectors. The current, deposits account, and saving account are implied by this entire service.

Customer: The term “customer” is not defined by statute, so case law definitions are relied upon. According to these definitions, a person must be operating a current account, a deposit account, or another similar relationship in order to qualify as a bank’s customer.

As soon as money or checks are paid in and the bank accepts them, the relationship is established. Therefore, a client is someone who wants to frequently purchase a physical good or receive services.

Account: A register of debits and credits, computation of statement receipts and expenditures indicating a balance.

Current Account: This is a day-to-day account on which checks are paid and credits are deposited in accordance with instructions from the CBN to commercial banks.

Trading professionals frequently use this kind of account. The self-employed and other workers who are paid with the money demand.

Deposit Account: A credit balance is always kept in this kind of account. A fixed term or with seven or fourteen days’ notice is required to repay the remaining sum. Interest is paid at the regular deposit rate of the bank or the rate that the bank and the customer have agreed upon.

Money is stored in this account for a predetermined amount of time. Customers who have enough money in their checking or savings accounts to audit may ask the banks to transfer some of their funds to a deposit account so they can earn interest.

The announced minimum rate at which Nigeria’s central bank is willing to halt authorised bills of exchange is known as the “bank rate.”

The government uses this rate as a tool to restrain the demand for money and slow the rise of inflation. also referred to as the minimal rate.

Savings Accounts: Savings accounts resemble current accounts, with the exception that they are intended for the accumulation of lesser sums and withdrawals up to a specific amount. This customer’s account has a set interest rate and is intended to promote little savings.

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