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The findings of this study on bullying behavior among secondary school students at Ogbe Secondary School are presented in this paper. The goal of this study was to find out what instructors and students thought about bullying in secondary school in Ogbe.

The study primarily investigates the element of bullying, bullying traits, reasons, and repercussions of bullying behavior among secondary school students as reported by both teachers and students.

The study employed both a qualitative and quantitative technique. In this case, a cross-sectional survey design was used. The study recruited 200 informants, with 133 teachers chosen at random participating in the survey. To identify discipline teachers and students who participated in the interview, purposeful sampling was performed. Physical aggression was discovered to be the major feature of aggression.

Boys were far more likely than girls to be bullies. In addition, watching violent films was the most common source of violence, and low academic achievement was commonly cited as a result of bullying.



1.1 Background of the study

Worldwide, secondary school students engage in aggressiveness. Of all secondary school issues, aggression is the most crippling because it affects both the bully and the victim. violence is a pattern of behavior in which one person is repeatedly picked as the target of violence by one or more people; the victim is typically weaker than the aggressor. (bullies). Bryne and Baron, (2005).

According to social psychologists, sustained anger that robs a person of control and dignity is referred to as aggressiveness. Paszkiewicz (2010). This definition will be used by the researcher to emphasize that aggressiveness is the use of power to harm or degrade another person. In our secondary school, aggression is pervasive and has a significant negative impact on the pupils.

Today, it’s challenging to find a secondary school where aggressiveness doesn’t exist. Nearly 30% of the more than 15,000 public school students questioned in the United States, according to the American Association’s magazine, reported engaging in hostility occasionally to frequently. In either a bullying or target role, or both.

According to a survey conducted in the UK by the British School Health Education unit, 25% of 10 to 11-year-olds reported being bullied either daily or “often.” Another report claims that 15% of Australian children report being bullied on a weekly basis. If the right statistics are used, the situation in Nigerian schools may not be any different. Depending on how one defines the issue and perceives its prevalence, these percentages may be greater.

These statistics would go to 100% if we consider calling kids names and barring them from games to be bullying. There are two main components to the traits of aggression. First of all, studies on aggression show that few kids are either bullies or victims; rather, a lot of kids play both roles and bully some pupils while also receiving bullying from others. (Vermande, Oart, Goudenard Rispens 2000).

Second, it appears that hostility is widespread throughout the world. According to Baron and Bryne (2005), research on bullying has a truly global scope and has explored the prevalence of bullying across numerous cultures. Today, bullying occurs alarmingly frequently, and both bullies and their victims might be female or male. Parents, policymakers, educators, and the general public are increasingly concerned about bullying since it has such major negative effects on the victims, their families, and their communities.

Nations all across the world that have seen an increase in reported violent crimes and linkages between violence and hostility. The act of assault has received a lot of attention in the west, but in Nigeria, it continues unchecked in many schools. (Bonke, 2009). Researchers have given several definitions of aggression.

Continually mentioned in Bonke 2009, Lunmdtti. When someone consistently and completely exercises authority over another with a hostile or malevolent aim, this is known as aggression. The term “bullying” refers to a broad spectrum of aggressive or antisocial physical or verbal behaviors.

This includes verbal and physical abuse, mocking, threats, humiliation, harassment, and mobbing. Bullying, according to Pepler and Craig (2000), referenced in Bonke (2009), is the most prevalent kind of violence and what fuels the culture of violence, allowing the most strong to dominate the weaker. Aggression is a serious and growing issue in many schools all over the world.

According to Nickel (2005) and Bonke (2009), bullying is the “international,” unprovoked abuse of power by one or more children to harm or distress another kid. Being the focus of hostile behavior by children who are not their siblings or necessarily their age is a common occurrence for children. Students who are bullied are typically seen as meek or subservient victims. They frequently cry easily and are quiet, cautious, and sensitive.

They lack self-confidence and have a bad perception of themselves. (Oghiagbephan, 2010). According to Olweus (1993), Coloroso (2002), and Bonke (2009), a student is continually subjected to bad behavior on the part of one or more other students. Bullying frequently takes the shape of physical contact, verbal abuse, or crude looks and gestures. It can also take the form of spreading rumors or excluding the victim from a group.

For unpleasant behavior to be considered bullying, it is not necessary for the victims to have initiated it; instead, there must be an imbalance of real or perceived power between the victim and those who are victimizing him or her. Aggression seems to be the most pervasive and upsetting of the society’s abnormal human behavior.

This is due to the prevalence of violent behaviors in modern society. It begins at home with physical or verbal hostility between partners, siblings, or parents who use it as a punishment for their kids. Due to some miscommunication, neighbors frequently act aggressively towards one another.

Aggression is displayed in a variety of settings, including village meetings. Hoodlums engage in violent behavior in the form of robberies, kidnappings, rapes, and even murders. Even churches occasionally experience verbal abuse.


In our secondary schools, aggressive actions are prevalent. Aggressive actions are frequent in schools, claim Shekarey Ladani & Rostami (2013). In a similar vein, Aluede (2011) claimed that violence in schools was a problem that had grown in importance over the last few years due to an increase in news stories detailing violent acts that have occurred in school settings.

Since secondary schools are institutions created for teaching and learning, aggression among secondary school students is a worry for those involved in the field of education. There is no question that a suitable environment free from intimidation, harassment, insecurity, and fear is necessary for teaching and learning to occur successfully. In light of this, the researcher plans to look into how hostility and violence affect secondary school pupils’ academic performance.


Although the primary goal of this study is to determine how aggression and violence affect secondary school students’ academic performance, the researcher also hopes to accomplish the following more focused goals:

i) To examine how hostility affects students’ low academic performance.

ii) To determine how violence affects students’ academic performance.

iii) To determine whether aggressive behavior and student academic achievement are related in any way.

iv) To look into how hostility and violence affect a student’s academic performance.


The researcher developed the following research hypotheses to ensure the study’s successful conclusion:

H0: Students in secondary schools that engage in aggressive behavior don’t perform any worse academically.

H1: Aggressive behavior affects secondary school students’ academic performance

H02: There is no connection between student academic behavior and aggressive or violent behavior.

H2: There is a link between aggressive and violent behavior among students and their academic performance.


It is anticipated that the study’s findings will be important to parents and guidance because it explains the risks of aggressive behavior and violence and how they affect students’ academic performance. Teachers and secondary school administration will also find the study valuable because it will assist them in developing policies that will eliminate or reduce the prevalence of aggressive behavior and violence.

1.6 The study’s scope and limitations

The study’s focus is on how hostility and violence affect secondary school pupils’ academic performance. However, there were some circumstances that worked against the study’s objectives in its genesis:

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher’s access to suitable research material limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The time allotted for the study does not improve wider coverage because the researcher must juggle the study with other academic obligations and exams.

c) FINANCE: The researcher’s financial resources severely limit the extent of the study because they must be used to the fullest for both the study and the course work.



Aggression is an overt, frequently damaging form of social interaction where one person intentionally causes pain or other displeasure to another. It could happen out of revenge or without being provoked. Aggression can result from anger over unmet aspirations in people.


The World Health Organization defines violence as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high probability of resulting in injury or death.”

academic achievement

The degree to which a student, instructor, or institution has attained their short- or long-term educational goals is known as academic achievement or (academic) performance.


For ease of understanding, this research paper is divided into five chapters, as follows:

The first chapter is devoted to the introduction, which includes a (overview of the study), a problem statement, study objectives, a research question, the significance of the investigation, a description of the research methodology, a list of words used, and information about the study’s historical context.

The theoretical framework on which the study is based is highlighted in Chapter 2, which also includes a survey of related literature. The third chapter covers the study’s methodology and research strategy. The gathering, processing, and presentation of data are the main topics of Chapter 4. The study’s summary, conclusion, and suggestions are presented in Chapter 5.

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