Project Materials




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1.1 Background of Study
Computerization is the control of processes by computers and its peripherals. Today, it is impossible to think of a process, business, or action that did not benefit from the computer system’s multiple advantages.

Controlling processes or devices with computers began long ago, with the invention of the computer. In the twentieth century, inventors attempted to simplify procedures through the use of computers.

Second, computerization has been widely utilised or employed in processes requiring frequent action, such as drug procurement, drug management, drug tracking, and drug deliveries, in hospital management information systems in pharmacy departments.

This project, which is drug procurement and distribution tracking system, provides a computer-based information management system in a Pharmacy Department of the University of Nigerian Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu by designing a cost-effective

user-friendly application, incorporating key attributes of data integrity and system security suitable for use in the pharmacy department of the hospital, using Microsoft Access software in developing the database and visual basic

The overall goal of this project is to save time and money on data processing in order to run a major hospital pharmacy department efficiently. This strategy ensures data integrity, redundancy, and consistency.

Drugs are chemical substances given to patients for treatment and prevention. It is also known as medicine because it is a necessary component of people’s care.

The computer’s ability to store and retrieve information quickly and efficiently makes it beneficial in managerial activities. Drug management includes drug procurement, delivery, tracking, and information management.

Drug distribution refers to the distribution of drugs across the many medical units or departments in a hospital, whereas drug procurement refers to the purchasing of drugs by the hospital’s pharmacy department.

Drug tracking involves monitoring the quantity of pharmaceuticals stored in hospitals, warehouses, and stores. It also monitors the stock level.

The pharmaceutical unit of a hospital is responsible for drug management activities. They are responsible for selecting and using appropriate pharmaceuticals by compiling an annual, monthly, weekly, or daily list of drug requirements and management reports.

However, in some hospitals today, some chemists continue to employ a manual system of operation, which can lead to improper medication management errors due to the difficulties of managing large files in a short period of time. This could make data easily inaccessible, and drug delivery may result in the misplacement of patients’ files.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Drug purchase, tracking, delivery, and information management are all normal activities in Nigerian hospitals. Even in our Teaching Hospitals, it is normal to see these basic processes carried out manually or with minimal computerization.

This manual approach to these routine operations has numerous drawbacks, including poor handling of patient drug data, a lack of a good storage information system for drugs and drug dispensaries, delays, and difficulty retrieving information on drugs and patients’ records.

In light of all of these issues, it is vital to create a computer-based drug information management and distribution tracking system. This is what this research project aims to address by computerising routine operations in our hospitals, particularly the Pharmacy Department at UNTH Enugu.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This research project aims to design and implement a computerised drug information management system, as well as a drug procurement and distribution tracking system. This includes:

(i). To order medications without accidentally purchasing more than necessary.

(ii) Maintain a good stock of medications.

(iii) To avoid the dispensing of outdated medications

(iv). To ensure accurate drug records.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The benefits of this effort include the following:

(i) It will deliver dependable healthcare services.

(ii) It will provide hospital management and patients with genuine and safe pharmaceuticals.

(iii) It will ensure an efficient and consistent drug dispensing system.

(iv) It will provide a database for stocktaking of medications acquired and supplied at any time.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This research will only focus on the Pharmaceutical Department of the University of Nigerian Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu. It will provide an up-to-date and complete design for the following:

(i) Planning and control system for inventory management and medicine delivery.

(ii) The hospital’s drug procurement method.

(iii) The expiry status of each medicine at any given time.

(iv) A database including various drug types and names for storage and operations.

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