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Nigeria has grown mature enough to confront the choice of rising to the challenge of constructing a new society, a new civilization, or descending into chaos of interethnic distrust and rivalry. However, the job of rebuilding does not take place in a vacuum. It necessitates an intelligible attitude to democracy.

Thank you today for the synergy leadership system that provides parents and citizens with a variety of options for regaining lost ground. To stay up to date on current events in this world and the world beyond.

So, in order for us to remain politically and democratically current, we must embrace COIP4C as a functional educational paradigm that will propel us far into the future.

In chapter one, which contained the introduction, the emphasis was on the backdrop and the point of inquiry, where the rationale for carrying out this research was stressed. The second chapter defined and clarified several of the COIP4C values used in the research.

Similarly, chapter three is an exposition of the research challenges, particularly as a nascent democracy in Nigeria. The solution to these challenges was presented in Chapter 4.

In summarising the research, chapter five concluded by analysing all that had been done, making notice of the consequences of the findings as well as recommendations. There was also a study restriction and suggestions for future research.




The year 1914 remains a watershed moment in the history of the people who live in Nigeria today. The British decided to build a centralised administration for administrative and other reasons, which meant the merger of northern and southern populations. This was the beginning of what became known as amalgamation.

The term amalgamation, as well as its reality, signify different things to different individuals. Nigeria celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014, but a hundred is only a number. One debate is whether what is known as Nigeria and amalgamation fulfilled its primary goal.

Is the essence of this fusion realised, and if not, what is the solution? The blessed country of Nigeria, of course, had various people whose right to regard themselves as countries, even in the most limited use of the term, was evident to everyone who had given it thought.

In order for Nigeria to attain sustained democracy, we must strive to maintain the sort of education left to us by our colonial masters. The British arrived and criticised every part of our lives,

including our innovative social, political, economic, and educational systems, only to replace them with their own ideas based on the problems they face at home.

The British educational system is pedagogically focused. When you look at their educational proposals, they appear to be quite admirable and good in intent, but we are live witnesses that they fall well short of our people’s requirements. They come to conduct business, not necessarily to educate us how to solve our problems better.

There is nothing like technological transplanting, according to Very Rev. Fr. Prof. Stan Anih. We must face our problems head on and seek indigenous solutions. The British educational system, or pedagogy,

has not provided us with all of the values required to refer to the past, compare it to the present, and plan for the future. The entire concept and goal had been a corrective process rather than a redesign, a camouflage, a sham, a cosmetic extrapolation.

We have witnessed the incredibly harsh stark realities of innumerable Nigerians, young and old, men and women, who, despite being real and unique human beings, find themselves suffocating and smouldering under the intolerable situation of academic bankruptcy and intellectual blackout as a result of alleged academic activities in our schools.

Our pupils in Nigeria are subjected to dysfunctional programmes that end up manipulating and dehumanising them, resulting in yahoos and misled youth who develop into worthless adults.

The feudal Lords’ educational procedure and the absolutizing standards of our academic administrators have undermined the lofty values of democratic principles of our time in Nigeria.

The result may be seen in all aspects of our national life. Let us perform an x-ray. The educational sector, where professors exploit students through the sale of handouts and sorting, is now the norm.

Many Nigerian graduates nowadays find it challenging to speak in plain English, let alone handle their day-to-day concerns. We have more failed banks in the financial business than any other African country.

As the world’s sixth largest oil producer, we continue to import refined petroleum products. Our political landscape is dismal. As of the last count, the electoral tribunal had upheld the mandates of more than six elected governors for manipulating their way into power. We have been named one of the world’s most corrupt countries.

We are thus compelled to believe that these problems stem from the type of education we received, which is completely devoid of the most relevant existential values for survival in our postmodern epoch, which is thinking that makes for reasonableness in our meaningless society.

The educational methods that have permeated many regions of the world and have developed analytical and creative abilities appear to be mysteries to us in Nigeria. Any educational system that is firmly rational, reasonable, or saturated with relevant philosophical ideals is almost non-existent in the educational curricula of modern schools at various levels.

As witnesses to the results of a lack of instructional processes that seek meaning, the question is whether we should continue to do things our old way even when the conclusion is not predictable.

To save our embryonic democracy from collapse, we must shift from academic tragedy to intellectual transcendence. If we continue to educate our people in this manner, the outcome will be worse than an epidemic.


When we read in the national dailies or watch the news on television about the litany of sufferings caused by politically motivated violence and killings, we should pause to consider what kind of democracy we are offering to the world.

Is it true that democracy is synonymous with murder, assassinations, and political thuggery? Why is our democratic practice devoid of critical and caring thinking? Is this practice followed in other parts of the world? What makes ours unique? Isn’t it some democracy?

As we investigate the topic of Nigerian democracy, we are persuaded that the majority of these issues stem from our pedagogical approach. For our democracy to be global and to be seen as being in line with what is available in the global world,

Nigerians must be educated in ways that are communitarian, participatory, and collaborative, that easily communicate human values, and that are rich in community of inquiry philosophy for children.

We don’t need prophets to tell us that all of these negative aspects of our democracy are the result of our schools’ reliance on the one-man-show concept of education, which has made us appear foolish,

because a fool is one who speaks authoritatively and dogmatically with a tone of expertise in a domain where he is actually ignorant, and a fool claims the status of a consultant when he is only a quack.

One example is Madam Speaker Etteh of the House of Representatives, who spent millions of government dollars to remodel her official quilters at a time when many Nigerians are living in terrible poverty.

The unfortunate atmosphere of shrivelling economy in Nigeria arose not from depression in the “quantum” of the country’s innumerable mineral resources and natural gifts, but from the self-inflicted poverty of low-spirited narrow-mindedness, selfishness,

bigotry, and anti-ecumenical economic theory of some of our compatriots who deny human rights due to their previous type of education, which is pedagogue.

We must shift our thinking and focus on real democratic community inquiry education that will provide us with the ecumenically oriented politico-religious actinide required in this period.


When you realise that our country is stagnant, the study’s significance becomes clear. Why are we still dependant 48 years after our independence? Almost all of our consumer goods are now imported. The anguish is that we have been so abundantly blessed by God, but look at what our education is doing to our people.

The purpose of this study was to identify the majority of the difficulties that may be traced back to the pedagogical slant of education in our country. Most people in our society are continually tired by pedagogy as a learning process,

and as a result of the system’s failure to provide solutions to the multitude of difficulties they face, they resort to various forms of desperation, which leads them to criminality.

However, with the introduction of the community of inquiring philosophy for children (COIP4C), which is learner friendly, I believe that with the empowerment that comes with it, particularly in the upliftment of their reasoning skills, the majority of the gap will be filled and our people will become reasonable in Nigeria’s meaningless world.


Normally, there is no limit to how far this study should go because every Nigerian should be politically alert and aware by nature. However, due to time constraints,

I have confined the scope of this amazing effort to educational planners, educational secretaries, school proprietors, local government officials, and politically aware Nigerians in Enugu and surroundings.

When resources improve, the effort will be extended to other parts of the world through the internet.

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