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THE Influence of Billboard Advertising on Tobacco Sales in Nigeria

THE Influence of Billboard Advertising on Tobacco Sales in Nigeria

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THE Influence of Billboard Advertising on Tobacco Sales in Nigeria


“The Impact of Billboard Advertising in the Sale of Tobacco in Nigeria, (A Case Study of Imo State)” is the title of this research paper. It is an outdoor stationary structure where advertisements and public service announcements are displayed. The primary goals of this research are to remind users to purchase the product.

A systematic research methodology was used to attain the aforementioned aims. The researcher makes every effort to investigate all of the tactics employed by the billboard advertising corporation to market tobacco products. During the course of this project, the researcher visited numerous consumers in Owerri, Imo State, to determine their level of consumption and, as a result, to identify their consumption problems.

The situation is presently positive, which can be attributed in part to the decline in tobacco production and sales in Owerri, Imo State, and in great part to the entrepreneurs’ difficulty to raise finance elsewhere. The experts believe that cigarette billboard advertising should continue since it is a good step in the right direction.

The amount of money typically given to billboard advertising should be increased so that there is certainty in the consumption of tobacco goods in Owerri, Imo State. Companies must also properly follow the laws of billboard advertising, particularly where it states that advertising must be continuously accepted by the consumer. Because advertising is targeting a certain demographic, it must be appealing to everyone who sees it.



1.1 Background Of The Study

Billboard advertising has offered the tobacco industry with a low-cost means of advertising that has been utilised to attract either brand audiences or specific target populations.

Because of its static location, billboard advertising has a high impression rate, which allows it to be viewed repeatedly by the target demographic, enhancing its efficacy.

Advertising Practitioner Council (APCON) in Nigeria measures their advice. This policy on cigarettes and similar items was intended to comply with the federal government’s smoking ban.

They established a criteria for assessing tobacco advertising and made it mandatory for all advertising companies to conform, i.e. The federal ministry of health’s health warning on tobacco advertising cautions that smokers are more likely to die young.

According to (APCON), tobacco product advertising would be prohibited on radio beginning April 1st, 2008, and outdoor advertising would be prohibited beginning December 31st, 2008. Tobacco advertising in print, which can only be done in black and white, is also limited to the inside pages of newspapers or magazines.

According to Falcom (2004), the APCON decision was predicated on the necessity to control (our people’s smoking habit). In other parts of the world, such as Chicago, billboard advertising is expected to remain an essential aspect of tobacco product marketing.

Non-business organisations in Nigeria today, including as hospitals, churches, political parties, and educational institutions, utilise total/media to achieve their communication goals. Non-profit organisations can benefit greatly from billboard advertising. In fact, they are the most frequent users in Nigeria.

The purpose of the advertisement is to inform, educate, persuade, and remind people of what is being advertised. Billboard advertising was used in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, to show the public the benefits of tobacco farming in order to provide tobacco leaves for a newly established cigarette manufacturing company, which could be investing a whopping sum of $150 million into the Nigerian economy by the time its ultramodern cigarette factory in Ibadan becomes fully operational next year.

Billboard advertising is basically an outside permanent structure that displays advertisements or public service announcements. Few studies have looked into how the tobacco business might utilise billboard advertising to target its audience.

The impact of tobacco manufacturers’ billboard advertising on smokers would be measured in terms of increased sales volume and effects on the health warning against cigarettes.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Despite large sums of money spent on cigarette billboard advertising in Nigeria, our people’s smoking habits remain high. The business environment is rapidly changing, and competitions are becoming more risky as the market and needs fluctuate on a daily basis, while legislations and external forces are focusing on business organisations to give outward messages through billboard advertising, tobacco companies must survive or die prematurely.

Given the quick changes in speedier technology and competition, a company’s reliance on product sales alone becomes riskier. This is due to the fact that consumers need to be reminded of their offerings. The effect of competition can be detrimental to any particular brand of tobacco if it fails to pay attention to billboard advertising are undeniably smoke signs, which pollute the air by exposing viewers to toxic image of a toxic substance, then the basic aim of any business organisation, which is to constantly satisfy the needs and desires of its consumers in the face of all these constraints by coming up with billboard initiative.

1.3 Objective Of The Study

The following are the study’s objectives:

(i) Determine whether or not tobacco sales in Nigeria will grow as a result of billboard advertising.

(ii) Determine whether billboard advertising in Nigeria might induce nonsmokers to smoke.

(iii) Determine whether billboard advertising would persuade cigarette brand consumers to switch brands.

(iv) Determine whether or if there is a substantial association between the health warning message in cigarette in Nigeria.

1.4 Scope Of The Study

This study is limited to the effect of billboard advertising on cigarette consumption in Nigeria. It focuses on the increased sales volume loyalty effect of nonsmoker health warning inducement in Nigeria.

There are several reasons why corporations invest in billboard advertising. For this study, the tobacco company was chosen to investigate the impact of billboard advertising on cigarette sales in Nigeria.

1.5 Research Questions

The following research questions are designed to assist the researcher in achieving the study’s goals and objectives.

i. How can billboard advertising influence cigarette purchase?

ii. How does billboard advertising encourage nonsmokers to smoke?

iii. Do you believe that the lack of availability of these products will cause consumers to seek alternatives?

1.6 Importance of the Study

This research will assist any company working with consumer-oriented items in recognising the significant market influence of billboard advertising.

It will also aid in accessing or correcting customer misconceptions about billboard advertising, such as that it is deceptive, does not serve as a buyer’s guide, and so on. Some billboard advertising serves as a source of information for consumers who face a plethora of options in their everyday purchasing decisions.

It will also benefit society as a whole, and giving billboard advertising special attention is required to improve or increase scales. Finally, this study will aid students and researchers in their academic work by serving as a starting point for scholars.

1.7 Limitations Of The Study

The researchers encountered certain unavoidable setbacks while conducting their research.

Among the many limitations of this study are:

(i) Time Commitments

This limits the researchers’ capacity to obtain all available data that would have been relevant in carrying out this work.

(ii) Financial Contender

Because the researchers were dependent students, the financial burden of providing the necessary funding from his meagre means was great.

(iii) The Uncooperative Attitude of Some Respondents:Data collection from this category of smokers was hampered by some female respondents who did not want to be identified as smokers.

1.8 Definition Of Terms

The terminology used in this study should be interpreted as follows:

i. Tobacco Promotion

This is advertising with the intent of promoting tobacco goods (JOHN W. HARMAN 1998:76).

Billboard II

This is a panel for displaying advertisements in public places, such as on highways or the sides of buildings (SCHOLAR 1996:61).


Nigerian Advertising Practitioners Council Apex regulatory body established by Decree No. 55 of 1988 for the advertising profession.

iv. Health Caution

This is the APCON-mandated warning that must accompany all cigarette advertisements.

cigarette smokers

These are the people who use tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars (TYE, 1987:7).

Tobacco vi

These are dried leaves used for smoking (ARNEL J.J. 1998:19).

vii. Tobacco Users

These are those who found pleasure in purchasing or using tobacco goods (HARTMAN, 200:19).

Nonsmokers (viii)

These are people who do not use tobacco.

ix. Billboard Promotion

This simply refers to an outside stationary structure on which advertisements for public services are shown (KOTLER 1987:746).

Tobacco Farmer X

This is tobacco leaf planting and harvesting (1988:168).

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