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The purpose of this research is to investigate the perceived impacts of female prostitution in the Oredo Local Government Area. The goal of this research is to determine the impacts of prostitution in order to provide relevant solutions.

For the study, a 30-item questionnaire was distributed, and the population was drawn from five hotels. At the end, a hundred prostitutes ranging in age from 12 to 30 participated. According to the data, the majority of people participating in prostitution fled away from home at a young age to avoid abuse, and then turned to prostitution as a means of survival.

It was also observed that the motivation for prostitution among our girls is the desire to purchase expensive and fashionable outfits, fragrances, and that parents also play a role. Appropriate recommendations were made as a result of the findings.




Prostitution has existed in some form or another since the dawn of written history, and has been referred to as “the world’s oldest profession” by some. Female prostitution was an accepted vocation in many ancient cultures for many women, especially those who couldn’t earn a living any other way-husbands slain in combat or died from labour.

Prostitution did not become a’sordid’ kind of employment until the church, particularly the Christian church, decided that sex was bad. Even back then, prostitution and brothels had various degrees of public approval. Some cities and towns had entire “red light districts” where brothels were tolerated, if not welcomed, as long as the owners and management made donations to local law enforcement.

As a result, while absolutely illegal, the prevalence of prostitutes allowed police corruption to flourish. There has always been a double standard in Western society when it comes to prostitution. Many madams and prostitutes catered to men who publicly railed against obnoxious women and proclaimed morality and decency.

When prostitution is illegal, standards for cleanliness and safety are difficult to carry out or enforce, which leads to the rise of pimps (a man who controls prostitutes and lives off the money they earn) to manage and control the individual prostitute, paying off the cops and controlling their “turf”.

Women are safer and cleaner when prostitution is legalised and regulated by standards. Parts of Nevada have legalised brothels, and the world hasn’t come to an end as a result.

Prostitution is defined as the act or practise of providing sexual services to another person in exchange for remuneration. Prostitution is one of the branches of the sex industry. The person who accepts payment for sexual services is known as a prostitute, and the person who receives such services is known by a variety of terms including “John.”

Prostitution’s legal position varies per country, ranging from a penalised crime to a licenced profession. According to estimates, the worldwide prostitution industry generates more than $100 billion per year. Prostitution is referred to be “the world’s oldest profession” at times.

Prostitution can take many different shapes. Brothels are facilities that specialise in prostitution. The act of escort prostitution can take place in the customers’ home or hotel room (referred to as out-call) or at the escort’s home (referred to as in-call). Another variation on street prostitution.

Sex tourism refers to the practise of travelling from developed to developing countries of one sort of human trafficking, which is defined as employing compulsion or force to convey an unwilling individual into prostitution or other sexual exploitation.

The term prostitute comes from the Latin prostitute. According to some sources, the verb is a combination of “pro” meaning “up front” or “forward” and “situere” meaning “to put up for sale.” Another form of exploitation is that prostitute is a combination of pro and stature (to induce to stand in an upright position).

A literal translation would be to place up front for sale or to put forward. According to the online Etymology Dictionary, “the notion of sex for hire is not inherent in the etymology, which rather suggests one exposed to lust or sex offered indiscriminately.”

The term “prostitute” was then passed down through numerous languages to modern Western society. Since the late 1970s, most sex worker activists have used the term sex job instead of prostitute. A sex worker, on the other hand, can refer to anyone who works in the sex industry or whose profession is of a sexual nature and is not restricted to prostitutes.

Male and female prostitution was common in the Japanese cities of Isyoto, Edo, and Osaka in the early 17th century. During the Edo period in Japan, Oiran were Courtesans. The Oiran were regarded as a subset of the Yojo “woman of pleasure” or prostitute.

The Taju was the highest rank of courtesan offered exclusively to the wealthiest and highest ranked males among the Oiran. Oiran practised the arts of dance, music, poetry, and calligraphy, as well as sexual services, to entertain their clients, and was educated with was deemed essential for sophisticated discussion.

Many became celebrities outside of the pleasure district. Their art and clothes frequently created fashion trends among rich women. Oiran was last recorded in 1961. Although prostitution is illegal in modern Japan, the definition of prostitution does not include a private agreement between a woman and a man in a brothel.

Yoshiware features a high number of soap lands, which arose when explicit prostitution became banned in Japan, and where women cleansed men’s bodies. Toruko-buro, which translates to Turkish bath, was their original name. Prostitution was practised by both men and women in ancient Greece.

Porne is the Greek word for prostitute, derived from the verb pernemi (tonseu), with clear modern progression. The English word pornography, as well as its translations in other languages, is derived straight from the Greek word porno. Female prostitutes can be strong, independent, and even powerful women.

They were compelled to wear distinguishing clothing and pay taxes. There are several similarities between the Greek hetaera and the Japanese Oiran. Some ancient Greek prostitutes, such as lais, were famous for their company as well as their beauty, but some of these women demanded exorbitant fees for their services.

A registered prostitute was known as a meretrix in ancient Rome, whereas unregistered prostitutes were known as prostibulae. There were some similarities with the Greek system, but as the empire expanded, prostitutes were frequently seized, acquired, or produced for that purpose, sometimes by large-scale prostitute farmers who took abandoned infants.

Adopted children are almost always reared as prostitutes. Enslavement to prostitution was occasionally employed as a legal punishment for criminal free women. Buyers were able to inspect naked men and women for sale in privacy, and there was no stigma associated to a man aristocracy purchasing males.


Prostitution is a frightening statistic for human culture. Prostitution is a type of violence against women and a violation of women’s human rights. Female prostitutes are more likely to be murdered if they have experienced greater physical assault.

This is a typical occurrence throughout the country and contributes to the number of children who do not have parents. Sexually transmitted infections are more common among prostitutes. According to a research conducted in Minecapolis, Minnesota, only 15% of prostitutes with at least six months of experience had S.T.D. HIV/AIDS is not included in this number.

In this investigation, a gynaecological examination of the prostitutes indicated an alarming rate of positive pap tests. These women are at a higher risk of cervical cancer and have the potential to disseminate the human papilomavirus throughout the people of the Minecapolis St. Paul Metropolitan area, either directly or indirectly.

According to the research, rather than being subjected to slavery-like conditions, men and women working as prostitutes are subjected to abuses similar to those encountered by others working in low-wage professions in the informal sector.

However, because of their marginal status in society, sex workers are denied the international, national, and customary protections afforded to other citizens, workers, and women. Because of the stigma and criminal penalties commonly associated with sex work, they are more vulnerable to human and labour rights breaches than others.

The research recommends that all national legislation that, in intent or practise, places sex workers outside the ambit of the rule of law be abolished. According to the abolitionist viewpoint, the institution of prostitution itself is a violation of human rights.

Raymond’s goal is to prove that all immigrant women who work as prostitutes are victims of enslavement and torture. In Edo State, 70% of prostitutes were female, 20% were male, and 10% were customers. Street prostitution accounts for 10 to 20% of prostitution in Edo State.

According to research, only 3-5% of those infected with sexually transmitted illnesses in Edo State turned to prostitution, compared to 30-35% of teens. However, the prevalence of prostitutes in Edo State was around 50%.


The study’s goal is to analyse the perceived impact of female prostitution among today’s teenagers and to propose alternative solutions.


This study will assist the government in reevaluating its prior prostitution policies and developing more realistic policies and strategies. Parents will benefit as well, as it will make them more aware of their obligations.


The researcher definitely discovered that prostitution-those are primarily widows who are primarily illiterates, part-time prostitute working class ladies who seek to live above their regular standard of living-was prevalent. Part-time ladies and girls who stay by hotel arrangement negotiation till daybreak.

These are mostly high school dropouts. Part-time girls mostly stay at home or in boarding houses and drink excessively at every opportunity or occasion. Most of them travel on their way home from school with the intention of visiting their parents, but instead choose to lodge.

These are mostly high school students. According to the facts stated above, the age range for prostitution is 12-60 years. Because of the goal of this article, the writer has decided to limit his inquiry to children aged 12 to 16, so that the original theme is not destroyed.


Prostitution is the practise of engaging in relatively indiscriminate sexual contact with people other than one’s spouse in exchange for immediate monetary remuneration.

A young person is someone between the ages of twenty and forty.

Contraception: All of these methods entail the use of medicines to prevent pregnancy.

Abortion is the forced termination of a pregnancy by the use of medications or other means.

General illnesses: These are diseases caused by sexual contact.

Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Hiv stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

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