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The primary goal of this experiment was to examine how well Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin City, understands, accepts, and implements personal selling. This research drew on both primary and secondary sources, such as periodicals, books, and journals. Personal interviews and questionnaires also served as primary sources.

The researcher discovered that personal selling encourages consumers to spend more, and it also has a beneficial impact on Unilever product sales. The researcher concluded that personal selling is critical in every manufacturing company looking to expand its present market share.

As a result, it was recommended that the company allocate sufficient funds for the execution of the personal selling programme due to its relative importance in terms of increased sales volume and profits, and that personal selling be viewed as an integral part of the company’s marketing effort rather than an emergency tool.

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Marketing generally seeks to increase lucrative sales of commodities to the broader population. Every commercial organisation, whether government or privately held, seeks to maximise profit.

Advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling are required to increase a company’s sales and profitability. Some of these promotional tools are appropriate for both industrial and consumer products.

Others are best suited to the marketing of solely industrial goods, while others favour mostly consumer things. Most detergent firms promote their products by advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and, in some cases, personal selling.

It is unclear how much personal selling contributes to detergent promotion.

In light of the foregoing, the researcher decided to investigate the impact of personal selling on detergent marketing using Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin City as a case study.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Every organization’s goal is to meet their consumers’ needs and wishes while still making a profit. However, in recent years, Unilever Plc has been experiencing problems with detergent sales in their company.

Given this circumstance, one cannot help but urge Unilever to embark on sales promotion, and if so, what has the effect been? This research was conducted in order to find an answer to this question. So, how does personal selling affect detergent marketing?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The research is focused on the following:

1. To determine how personal selling affects detergent marketing.

2. Determine the significance of personal selling in raising awareness of detergent marketing.

3. Determine the impact of personal selling on profitability.

4. To determine the efficiency of personal selling in the context of other promotional techniques.

1.4 Statement of Hypothesis/Research Question

There is a need to boost both consumer patronage and sales volume.

It is hoped that this study would tell a lot about personal selling strategies and the most effective strategy to use by many organisations.

Statement of Hypothesis

Hypothesis One.

HO: Personal selling does not encourage clients to purchase more.

HI: Personal selling encourages clients to purchase more.

Hypothesis Two

HO: Personal selling has a detrimental impact on sales of sunshine detergent.

Hello: Personal selling has a beneficial impact on sales of sunshine detergent.

Hypothesis Three

HO: Personal selling doesn’t increase client loyalty.

HI: Personals selling increases consumer loyalty.

Hypothesis Four

HO: The high expense of personal selling does not prevent its deployment.

HI: The high expense of personal selling impedes its use in marketing detergent.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will assist the researcher in becoming acquainted with the critical features of marketing programmes in general, as well as personal selling strategies in particular. Furthermore, the research will reveal the likely consequences of personal selling on detergent marketing, particularly at Unilever Nigeria Plc.

The study will provide a beneficial guide not only to detergent salespeople but also to management in organising their day-to-day marketing actions. Finally, the findings will serve as a foundation for future research on the issue by interested scholars.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to determine the impact of personal selling on detergent marketing in Benin City. And the scope is reduced to Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin Branch. The topics discussed include the use of personal selling as a type of promotion in order to determine the quality of salespeople, as well as evaluation and remuneration.

1.7 Limitations of the Study.

1. strain: First and foremost, the study must be completed under intense strain to match the demands of other courses. The acquisition of important information required for this study was very impossible because the workers of Unilever Plc, Benin City were unwilling to provide the researcher with essential and critical information.

2. Time Constraint: This element imposed certain constraints on the successful completion of this project, which was hampered by other activities such as assignments, tests, and exam preparation.

3. Inadequate Research Materials: Obtaining related materials, such as textbooks, journals, and other publications, from the library and other sources proved challenging. The relevant literature in the field of investigation was not readily available.

4. Respondent Attitude: The respondents’ attitude towards the questionnaire constituted a severe challenge in terms of the amount of information acquired from the field survey.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

In order to improve understanding of the entire work, it is vital that several important terminology are defined, such as;

1. Product: A product is a collection of tangible and intangible features, such as packaging, colour, price, and merchants, that the buyer accepts as satisfying a want or need.

2. Personal Selling: The use of speech and personal conviction (face-to-face) to persuade others to take certain actions.

3. Marketing: A sequence of activities aimed at satisfying wants and needs through the exchange process.

4. Selling: A mix of efforts that put pressure on potential buyers, such as personal selling, advertising, and packaging.

5. Effect: This refers to the change brought about by an action or cause.

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