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This study focuses on how mortgage institutions help deliver houses in Nigeria. Anambra Home Limited (2006–2014) case study. In order to offer housing efficiently, the study sought to determine how to lower housing costs in Nigeria and how to effectively address the country’s overpopulation issue.

Questionnaires were employed as the research tool in this study. In order to ensure that each question was adequately addressed, the researcher double-checked all the responses before analysing the data. Since Nigeria’s population is growing every day and the government is doing nothing to stop it,

I learned that overpopulation is one of the main issues with housing delivery in Nigeria. Although mortgage institutions have attempted to address the nation’s housing issues, there is still more work to be done.

To increase the institution’s capability, the federal government still needs to contribute significantly to its financing. Therefore. I urge a reassessment of mortgage institutions’ capital bases so that they can continue to fund sizable and monumental projects successfully.


Chapter One

Background of the study

It is clear that housing is one of humanity’s basic needs in today’s society, and it is primarily for this reason that housing has stayed at the centre of every national development effort made by succeeding governments in the nation and around the globe.

The demand for housing continues to grow due to a number of factors, including the high rate of urbanisation and rural-to-urban migration, the need to replace deteriorated buildings in the country’s population,

and the popularity of residential real estate as a lucrative area of investment that can produce a higher return than other classes of investment.

Even though these qualities are generally understood and recognised in Nigeria, there is still a severe shortage of housing due to the lack of access to the essential resources required, particularly land and funding.

Following the foundation of the national housing fund by decree (N0 53 of 1989) and the release of the 1991 national housing policy, primary mortgage institutions started to appear in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

In order to promote the swift implementation of the financial return envisioned under the national strategy, the primary mortgage institution decree was passed in 1993.

The goal was to promote the creation of financial institutions that could mobilise savings and facilitate easier access to loans in order to increase the number of people who wanted to build or buy their own homes as well as the number of large-scale private builders who produced houses for sale.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The following is the problem’s statement:

Being unable to buy a home has been a major issue for Nigerian citizens due to the country’s high housing costs.

More specifically, the inhabitants of Nigeria have a very serious issue with the inefficient delivery of financial services like mortgage services.

The overpopulation issue has, nevertheless, had an impact on the residents as there will be no effective housing delivery.

Additionally, there is a problem with the unfair distribution of loan opportunities, which has created a significant issue for Nigerians as certain residents only gain from lending activities while others do not.


The following is a list of this research study’s goals.

– To figure out a way to lower housing costs in Nigeria so that everyone can afford to buy a home.

– To learn how to successfully deliver financial services, such as mortgage services, so that all residents can profit from them.

– To discover efficient ways to address the issue of overpopulation in order to offer housing properly.

– To determine the best way to divide loan resources evenly so that every citizen would profit from them.

1.4 Research question

The following are the research questions:

– Do you believe that housing costs in Nigeria can be lowered?

– Do you believe that financial services like mortgage services can be delivered successfully?

– Do you believe that Nigeria’s overpopulation issue can be resolved?

– Is there a method to spread loan opportunities evenly to all Nigerian citizens?


It is impossible to overstate the importance of mortgage institutions in Nigeria’s housing delivery system. The following are some reasons why this research is important:

In order for all Nigerians to be able to afford a home, the research project would favour solutions that will lower the cost of housing.

More specifically, the research will outline ways to deliver mortgage services efficiently so that every citizen benefits.

Additionally, this study project will lay out a plan for how to address the issue of overpopulation so that Nigeria can offer housing efficiently and to the advantage of all inhabitants.

The research study will offer a final recommendation on how to efficiently share financing opportunities so that all residents, regardless of status, can profit from them.


The purpose of this study is to examine how mortgage institutions in Nigeria contribute to the delivery of housing.

This investigation was conducted in Nigeria’s Anambra state. It was notably done in Oko and Awka in the Anambra state, both of which were used as case studies for Anamra Home ownership limited.

Due to a few circumstances that made it challenging for the researcher to conduct this investigation, it was restricted to these locations.

These factors include time and money as well as the possibility that the task was completed when the researcher was getting ready to write an examination.


These studies were done. It is divided into five chapters, numbered from one to five.

The study’s background, problem statement, purpose, research question, significance, and scope are all covered in the first chapter.

The review of literature, models, and theories pertinent to the study topics are covered in chapter 2, among other things.

The research methodology is presented in chapter three.

While chapter four discusses data analysis and presentation, among other topics.

The research project was finally ended with findings and recommendations in chapter five. You will also come across the abstract and other early pages in this project effort.


The term “role” refers to the components or contribution anticipated from a person or an organisation to achieve a specific goal or set of objectives.

LAND: According to common law concepts, land is a hereditament that includes the entire planet, from the sky to the earth’s core.

LENDING: The practise of extending money through

mortgage institution to their clients in the form of a loan, which is often repaid over a set length of time.

HOUSING: A physical structure that includes all contemporary conveniences and serves as a place for people to live. Possibly a

a tranquil setting and additional security tools.

FINANCE: This is the cash required to operate a business, an

a project or an activity.

MORTGAGE: According to banking practise (2013) Onyagba

a mortgage is an agreement in which the mortgagor, a borrower, provides security for money advanced to him by the mortgagee, a lender.

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