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Employee motivation has proven to be quite important in today’s business world, since it has been tested and discovered that when employees are appropriately motivated, they tend to do their duties better.

This study will demonstrate the impact that motivation has on numerous banks in Nigeria. Motvaton may be treated lightly, but those who are aware of its impact on staff performance have taken use of it.

Today, organisations can easily transfer their materials, needs, goods, and services to other organisations or countries. However, the single resource that cannot be easily exchanged is human resources. So we can conclude that human resources are the most important or competitive assets of any organisation that cannot be exchanged.

Human resources or human assets refer to any organization’s personnel or employees. So motivation is a major aspect that affects the organization’s human resources. The organisation should motivate its staff to achieve peak performance or organisational goals. In reality, motivation is the most effective instrument for peak performance.

There are many debates nowadays about motivation and the relationship between employee competency and organisational efficacy. Motvaton will result in workers or employees of the organisation taking their duties and responsibilities seriously (Azar and Shafgh, 2013). Attractive Salaries or compensation are also valuable tools that play an important part in increasing employee performance and the production of a company (Muogbo, 2013).

According to Iqbal et al. (2012), employee motivation and ability collectively contribute to employee performance, and the difficult tasks assigned by the manager are designed to maximise productvty. Today’s academics are more concerned with increased performance, perfection, and working ability,

thereby responding to the requirement for employee motivation.Motvaton is one of the most important terms in psychology, and most managers who strive for maximum output and performance are aware of it.

Motvaton can be defined as the process by which organisations strive to improve their employees’ job performance through a variety of incentives. This is done to maximise the potential of personnel.

Following this realisation, Frank Hawkns (1993) defines motvaton as “what drives or encourages a person to behave in a particular manner, the nternal and external force that ntates, guides, sustains, and terms all mportant actvtes.”

It influences the level of performance, the efficiency attained, and the amount of time spent on an activity. As a result, it is acceptable to argue that motivation is both external and internal.

Internal motivation stems from an individual’s inner drive, but external motivation is influenced by numerous things in the environment or, in this example, the organisation.

Nnabufe (2009) defined motivation as the internal or external driving factor that causes the desire to complete an act. Thus, motvaton is the process of structuring behaviour, sustaining behavioural progress, and channelling bad behaviour into a specific path of action.

The skill of motivating workers is based on the strength of their motivations. Motves are needs, wants, desires, or mpulses within the individual that govern human behaviour. Thus, motvaton is the process of structuring behaviour, maintaining behaviour progress,

and channelling behaviour into a specific course of action. Thus, motivators (needs, desires) motivate employees to behave. Thus, motvaton is the inner condition that energises people, channels and sustains human behaviour.

Most organisations require motivation to achieve the various aims and objectives specified. To achieve these goals, people resources must be encouraged to carry out their duties efficiently and effectively.

Human beings, in general, like to work in conditions that are comfortable for them. Organisations, on the other hand, frequently overlook the reality that their employees must be motivated in order to perform at their best.


Over the years, it has been noted that worker morale is relatively low, which frequently affects their performance in the organisation. Furthermore, there have been incidents of workers switching jobs in quest of higher compensation or better ncentives.

Increases in employee pay and bonuses appear to be a particularly popular strategy of motivating firms. This study will examine whether financial motivation is the sole type of motivation that can be used by businesses;

whether it has been successful over time; whether management has used other kinds of motivation; the potential outcome; and alternative forms of motivation.

Workers leave organisations because they are not sufficiently motivated. Some are unwilling to quit since they are benefiting from advancement, which leads to an increase in salaries and compensation, bonuses, and other incentives.

In view of this, the difficulty is that employers and managers of organisations tend to solely motivate their employees financially, thereby ignoring other sources of motivation; this is the gap that this study will attempt to fill.


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of motivation on employee performance. Other specific objectives of the research include:

1. To nvestgate if financial bonuses lead to higher employee performance in the chosen banks.

2. To determine whether recognition has any effect on the level of performance of employees.


1. Are monetary bonuses the only form of motivation that can be utilised to improve employee performance?

2. Is there a significant relationship between recognition and employee performance in the selected banks?


The study focuses solely on the effect motivation has on employee performance. These hypotheses will be tested in order to assess their significance.

i. Ho: Financial bonuses are not the only source of motivation that can be utilised to increase employee performance.

ii. Ho: There is no relationship between recognition and employee performance.


The study’s focus was limited to workers of four (4) banks in Minna, Niger state. Eco bank, Access bank, Guaranty trust bank, and Skye bank are among them.


This study is being carried out to address the issue of motivation in organisations and to analyse the impact of motivation on achieving organisational objectives.

Motvaton not only involves motivating employees to achieve organisational goals, but also to achieve personal goals; thus, this research is carried out to examine how motivation aids in achieving both organisational and individual goals.


It has been noticed that most corporate organisations lack in the issue of employee motivation, causing employees to be dissatisfied and seek alternative career opportunities, resulting in high employee turnover.

This study is intended to advise CEOs and managers on how to effectively motivate employees in order to maximise their potential.

Motvaton is a global idea utilised in corporate organisations today to get the most out of their staff, although most organisations have yet to adopt this approach, while others have yet to master the right motvatonal technique to use in their organisations.

This research will also benefit educational institutions by bringing to light new sources of motivation that may be employed to improve employee performance. Most nsttuton already teaches motvaton, but this research will go farther to broaden individuals’ understanding of motvaton.


The constraints of this study were the hectic schedules of bank personnel who were to assist by filling out the questionnaires.


Mnna was chosen for this study because it is the capital of the largest state in Nigeria and has a sizable bank client base.

1.9.1 Minna’s Geographical Description

Mnna is a county in west central Nigeria, the capital of Nger state, one of Nigeria’s 36 federal states, and the administrative centre of the Chanchaga local government. According to the 2007 general census, the estimated population of Mnna is 304,113 people.

Mnna’s geographical coordinates are: latitude 9°36’50”N, longitude 623’24”E. Elevation above sea level: 299m=980ft, latitude 9°36.8334’N, longitude 623.4164E.

All coordinates provided are in the WGS84 coordinate system. This is the most recent version of the global geodetc system, which is used for mapping and navigation, including the GPS satellite navigation system (the global positioning system).

Coordnates (lattude and longtude) are angular units that define a position on the earth’s surface. The standard form of longitude and latitude representation employs degrees (°), minutes (‘), and seconds (”). GPS systems are widely used to coordinate n degrees and decmal minutes, or n degrees and decmal degrees. The latitude ranges from -90° to 90°.

The equator has a latitude of 0°, while the south pole has a latitude of -90° and the north pole has a latitude of 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to geographical locations north of the equator (N), whereas negative latitude values correspond to geographical locations south of the equator (S).

Longitude is measured from the prime Meridian and ranges from -180° to 180°. A positive longtude value corresponds to a geographical location east of the prime Meridian (E), a negative longtude value corresponds to a geographical location west of the equator (W), and elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographical location’s height.

1.9.2 Historical Evolution

Archaeological evidence suggests that settlement in the area began around 47000 – 37000 years ago. Muslm culture spread to Mnna via ancient Saharan trade routes, and the city is home to numerous mosques and Muslm organisations.

In Nger state, where shara is vald, Christianity is a large populaton. There are living faith churches, baptismal churches, nope calvary churches, Anglican churches, and apostolic churches in Mnna. Mnna is the former house of Nigeria’s former military president, Gen. Babangda, and former head of state, Gen. Abdusalam Abubakar.

1.9.3 Organisational Structure

a larger state with Mnna is administered through three levels of government: state, municipal, and emrate councils. There are three tiers of authority at the state level;

First, there is the government, which is elected on a party basis and is led by the state’s executive governor. He is advised by the deputy governor, the special adviser, the secretary, the government and the head of services, and the communicators who head different departments.

All of these constitute the executive branch of government. They are in charge of the day-to-day administration of the state.

Then there’s the legislature, whose members are likewise elected on a party basis. The legislature is represented by the state house of assembly and is led by a speaker, deputy speaker, majority and minority leaders, and party leaders, among others. The legislature is organised into committees, each of which has a chairman.

Third, there is the judiciary, which is an independent branch of government led by the chief judge of the state. The local government area is led by a charman who presides over the local government council, which is made up of councillors and an administrative secretary appointed by the local government service commission.

1.9.4 Economic Foundation

Cotton, guinea corn and gnger are the county’s main agricultural crops; yams are also widely cultivated throughout the county. Cattle trading, brewing, sheanut processing, and gold mining are also supported by the economy.

Traditional ndustry and crafts Leatherwork and metalwork are included.

Manager; a manager is an individual who has acquired the essential expertise to efficiently and effectively utilise resources, both human and capital, in order to maximise their potential.

Financial bonuses are additional reimbursements given to employees in addition to their regular salaries/wages. This can be used to reward staff for achieving certain targets and to motivate people to perform effectively and efficiently.

Recognition; this can be seen as employees being recognised for doing something exceptional in the organisation.

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