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This research looked at the role of the labour union in managing employee concerns in the workplace. The study’s overall population is 200 ministry of works employees in Enugu state. The researcher collected data using questionnaires as the instrument.

Descriptive This study used a survey research design. The survey included 133 respondents who were directors, administrative personnel, senior staff, and junior staff. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter One


Background of The study
The INDUSTRIAL UNION is defined by Nigerian Labour Law as “any combination, whether temporary or permanent, whose primary objectives under its constitution are the regulation of relations between workmen and workmen or between masters and masters, or the imposition of restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business, and the provision of benefits to members” (cited in Fajana, 1995: 132).

This definition would appear to include a wide range of organisations and groups as industrial unions. Another description of the term is a group of wage or salary earners founded with the goal of protecting and enhancing its members’ wage and job conditions, as well as raising members’ social standing and standard of life in the community (Fajana, 2000).

The preceding definition emphasises the acquisition of labour as a factor of production. The emphasis on the quest of better, improved service conditions for members distinguishes industrial unions from other organisations or associations. The following definitions of industrial union are provided by Sidney and Beatrice Webb (1920):

A continuing association of wage earners formed for the purpose of maintaining or improving their working conditions. This definition emphasises the industrial union’s dynamic nature as a continuing combination of wage earners. However, it may be perceived as too restrictive because industrial unions are concerned with more than just improving working conditions.

According to Beanc (1985), an industrial union is best described as an institutional representation of workers’ interests both inside the labour movement and in wider society, and they emphasise employers’ collective rather than individual power resources. The radical school of thinking defines the concept differently.

The conveyor belt of workers’ desire to end wage slavery and drastically restructure society is identified as the industrial union (Hyman, 1971). This definition sees industrial unions as a tool of bringing about the impending working-class revolution, which Marx said was unavoidable in any capitalist system.

The numerous definitions presented here reflect on the role of industrial unions in society, and include, among other things,

– monitoring employers’ excesses;

– a platform for realising labor’s revolutionary potential;

– protect members’ interests in the face of management action or wrongdoing;

– the fight against capitalist dominance;

– giving workers the opportunity to be equal partners with management;

– giving employees a sense of collaborative strength;

The means of bringing about revolutionary social transformation. Many doubts have been raised about the function of labour unions.

There are several such positions that can be recognised. The first step is to strengthen the worker’s bargaining power in relation to the employer. This is accomplished through regular communication with the employer and management on problems relating to employment terms and general working conditions.

The second goal is to safeguard workers from humiliating jobs, particularly when it comes to how management treats people. Industrial unions attain this purpose by standing up for workers whenever company policy threatens to deteriorate their situation. Third, the union provides workers with a sense of collective identity while also serving as a venue for collective bargaining.

Fourth, labour unions attempt to influence government policies affecting workers. As workers’ representatives, industrial unions become a powerful force in furthering the interests of their members both within the workplace and in society at large.

Finally, industrial unions serve a social purpose by collaborating with other members of society to promote social and economic development and communal advancement. As a result, the study tries to assess the role of labour unions in resolving employee disputes.


A positive and pleasant work environment is the foundation of employee productivity and organisational growth. However, it is the obligation of both the company and the employee to achieve this.

Recent trends indicate that industrial conflict between management and employees is a reoccurring issue caused by a variety of employee grievances that are not handled by management.

The most typical sorts of employee and workplace complaints are as follows: Compensation and benefits: Employee complaints and grievances are most common in this region.

These complaints may concern the amount and criteria for raises, pay fairness for equivalent employment within the organisation, and the cost and coverage of benefit programmes.

Workloads: Workload overload is a typical employee and workplace complaint. If you work for a firm that is experiencing financial difficulties, you may have been asked to take on extra work without receiving a wage rise.

Perhaps your company decides not to fill a vacant position and instead assigns you and your coworkers additional work. Employees become frustrated and dissatisfied in such situations.

Workplace Conditions: A safe and clean workplace is essential for employee satisfaction and motivation. Worker health and safety are protected by stringent state and federal standards. Employees who believe their employer is not adhering to applicable norms and guidelines may file a grievance.

Relations between the union and management: When unions represent employees, both the union and management are required to refrain from unfair labour practises. These criminal behaviours entail either side threatening or coercing an employee in order to gain their allegiance or cooperation. Employers and unions are prohibited from engaging in illegal activities under the National Labour Relations Act.

Employers, for example, cannot threaten employees with termination if they vote for a union. When employees are subjected to unfair labour practises, they have the right to submit a grievance.

Businesses require effective policies and procedures to address various forms of employee concerns. Some employees will register a grievance simply to voice their displeasure, while others will file a grievance to influence future contract negotiations or to criticise illegal practises.

Managers should always seek for the most effective solutions feasible. The union’s role in providing effective representation for workers in addressing concerns with management through collective bargaining for improved worker conditions is critical. As a result, the study problem is to determine the role of the industrial union in managing employee grievances in the organisation.


The study’s aims are as follows:

To ascertain the nature of employee complaints
To establish the reasons and consequences of employee grievances
To ascertain the nature and role of the industrial union in the resolution of employee grievances in the Enugu state government service.

The researcher developed the following research hypotheses in order to successfully complete the study:

H0: There is no nature or role of a labour union in the management of employee grievances.

H1: the nature and role of the labour union in resolving employee grievances.

There are no causes and effects of employee complains, according to H02.

H2: Employee grievances have both causes and consequences.


The study will provide a structural evaluation of the function of the labour union in managing employee grievances in the organisation. It will be a valuable source of knowledge for managers, union leaders, and other professionals involved in labour relations.


The study’s scope includes an evaluation of the role of the industrial union in managing employee grievances in the organisation, as well as a case study of the ministry of works in Enugu State Civil Service. The researcher comes upon a constraint that limits the scope of the investigation;

a) RESEARCH MATERIAL AVAILABILITY: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.
b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

INDUSTRIAL UNION DEFINED: An association of wage or salary earners created with the goal of safeguarding and enhancing its members’ wage and job conditions, as well as raising members’ social status and living standards in the community (Fajana, 2000).

DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE What may employees do if they are unhappy with their job terms or conditions? Have you ever worked for an employer who, in your opinion, violated the terms of your employment contract?

Perhaps you were underpaid for your work, or you worked in hazardous conditions. You may choose to submit a formal complaint against your employer in this case. This is referred to as an employee grievance.

WILDCAT STRIKE: This type of strike is illegal and not authorised by the union because no explanation or notification is given to the employer before going on strike.

SIT-DOWN STRIKE: This sort of strike involves workers who are physically present at work but are not working.

CONSTITUTIONAL STRIKE: This refers to activities that follow the procedures outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. The agreement normally defines the time and method for holding a workers’ strike.

UNCONSTITUTIONAL STRIKES: These are strikes that do not follow the provisions of collective bargaining agreements or relevant public policies.

UNOFFICIAL STRIKE: A strike that is not authorised by the union leadership. This occurs when the membership has lost faith in the leaders and is thus willing to exert direct pressure on the employer without the leaders’ permission.

OFFICIAL STRIKE: These are strikes that are usually authorised by the union’s leadership.

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