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The research effort “computer animation for nursery pupils” is an application that employs animation to educate nursery students. This technology substitutes the manual method of displaying animation, which includes the use of static and dynamic components.

Chapter one is an introduction to the project that explains what it comprises. It discusses the shortcomings of the current system. The purpose, aims, significance, and limitations of the study are also discussed in Chapter One.

The second chapter is a study of the project’s literature, which includes various research and scholarly publications written about the project, and the third chapter explains the method of data collecting, system analysis and design, and improvements to the proposed system.

Chapter four details the project’s implementation and outcomes, while Chapter five provides a summary, conclusion, and recommendations.



1.1 Introduction to the Research

Humans sought to show motion as far back as the Palaeolithic period, long before the development of cinematography.

Shadow play and the magic lantern were popular shows that used projected images on a screen that moved as a consequence of hand manipulation and/or minor mechanics.

The Phenakistiscope developed the stroboscopic technique employed in modern animation in 1833, which would also serve as the foundation for cinematography.

The occurrence of multiple examples of erroneous sequential images that appear to be tied to a collection of animation drawings.

Although it is unlikely that these photos were intended to be animated, most of these images would only allow for a very low frame rate when animated, resulting in unpolished animations that are not very lifelike.

The possibility of imagining a technology that could have been used throughout their creation periods, but no clear evidence in artefacts or descriptions have been discovered.

It is frequently contested that these untimely or early sequential images are too easily translated as pre-cinema by minds acclimated to film, comic books, and other modern sequential images, despite the fact that the authors of these images did not imagine anything like it.

The concept of instances smaller than a second that are required to break down an action into sufficient phases for fluent animation did not emerge until the nineteenth century.

Palaeolithic cave paintings contain early attempts to represent the concept of motion in a still drawing, with animals frequently depicted with many legs in superimposed positions.

It has been suggested that these superimposed figures were meant to be animated, with the flickering light of a fire or a passing torch illuminating different portions of the painted rock wall, showing different parts of the motion.

In general, education refers to any act or event that has a formative effect on an individual’s mind, character, or physical ability.

In its most technical definition, education is the deliberate transmission of society’s acquired knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to the next. Education is also defined as the process of being educated.

Childhood has changed fast in recent years, and the strategies that teachers and educators use with children and adolescents should reflect these changes. Children learn best and most while they are having fun.

Using animation to encourage and develop children’s learning is not only entertaining but also beneficial. Children develop skills competences in narrative, visual communication, cognitive, emotional, ethical, and aesthetic aspects, observation and sensory aspects, concentration, problem-solving, and innovative aspects through the use of animation.

1.2 Statement Of The Problems

The utilisation of static materials is a concern in the existing system. Concrete items or images that do not appear to move location are examples of static materials.

The problem with these static graphics for youngsters is that they do not improve their creativity, making learning less exciting and dull to a child.

1.3 Aims And Objectives Of The Study

The goal of this study is to create a computer animation for nursery school students.

The following are the research objectives:

To introduce graphics to students as a useful educational instructional tool to help them learn better.

Creating an animation on the present way to train children to smile and face the future with confidence.

Investigate the design considerations involved in the creation of effective animated learning products.

To demonstrate how the C# programming language may be used as a suitable instructional technology to improve learning.

Show the cognitive consequences of animated learning materials in the classroom.

1.4 Methodology

The waterfall model is the basic method employed in this project. Because of its event-driven nature, Microsoft Visual C# – Winforms Application is the primary tool utilised in the software’s development.

1.5 Significance Of The Research

The importance of this study is thus to adopt computer technology that illustrates with graphics and animations, while playing with human voice.

An instructional material designed to aid a child’s retention and assimilation, thereby creating a joyful, interactive, and interesting environment for a child to learn through illustrations, examples, and interactive tools specifically designed to emphasise on the weak points of the regular curriculum.

1.6 Scope of the Research

The scope of this study is limited to developing computer animation for early childhood. It excludes toddlerhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

1.7 Limitations Of The Study

This research is limited to animal animation employing alphabets A-Z, roman numbers 1 – 1000, and human anatomy.

1.8 Definition Of Terms

LABEL: A Label object is used to place text in a container.

SCENE: A scene is used to orderly organise a document.

The Stage is where animation and visuals are displayed. It reflects the visible portion of the project being worked on.

ANIMATION: The process of making inanimate objects or drawings appear to move in computer graphics or motion films.

THREAD: A thread is the execution path of a programme. It is used in this project to control the time it takes to play the sound for each scene.

SYMBOLS AND INSTANCES: A symbol is a reusable item that can be used to produce copies of the same object. A copy of the original symbol is referred to as an instance.

The colour, size, shape, and position of an object’s instance can be changed without changing the original symbol.

FRAME: A frame is a tool for organising and controlling the content of a page.

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