Project Materials




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This study seeks to discover how commercial banks regulate their customers’ accounts, which entails how commercial banks preserve their customers’ accounts and carry out their duties as custodians of their customers’ accounts.

Apart from looking at the general activities of banks in terms of customer accounts, this study focuses on discovering the rules and procedures established by these banks for the proper control of their customers’ accounts,

the staff in charge of their customers’ accounts, and the staff in charge of carrying them out in accordance with the banks’ policies and objectives, as well as statutory regulation.

The researcher dug into all of this in order to inform consumers and anyone else reading this project about the lengths to which banks will go to gratify their clients. Certain parts of banking that had been misunderstood by people over the years were also properly clarified.

The material I collected during the course of writing this project has assisted me in establishing the fact that commercial banks place a high value on the good control of their clients’ accounts, since these accounts are the lifeblood of their existence.

Finally, the findings were summarised, and numerous comments and recommendations were made to commercial banks in general in order to improve the overall efficiency and efficacy of their client account control.


Commercial banks’ influence over consumer accounts extends back a long time, and its origins can be described as humble. People kept money and jewels with goldsmiths for safe custody long before banks existed

because goldsmiths were highly respected members of society who could be trusted because they had strong sets where they kept valuables. As time passed, the goldsmith realised that the depositors only needed and thus received a little portion of their money at any given moment.

The goldsmith then devised a system by which he would properly control and safeguard the money deposited with him in such a way that, while trading with the depositor’s money, he would always have enough cash to meet any depositor’s needs at any time;

that is, this carefully designed system of control enabled the goldsmith to always ensure that he was never short of cash when any depositor needed some or all of his money. This pattern persisted, but as time passed, other changes happened, eventually leading to the establishment of banks.

The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English defines a bank as “an establishment for safely keeping money and valuables the money being paid out on the customers order.”A commercial bank is defined as a bank whose primary activity is the acceptance of deposits payable by cheque.

In Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (abbreviated “CBN”) is the apex regulating authority of the financial sector. The financial systems of many countries differ significantly, but they always gravitate towards the central banking system.In Nigeria, the following systems are manageable:

CBN, Commercial Banks, Merchant Banks, Mortgage Banks, Community Banks, Urban Development Banks, and a Peoples Bank. However, these distinctions are only apparent from their names.

In terms of operations, this is due to the fact that they have long abandoned their historic functions and entered the financial distributive trade, although their main business is to lend and borrow money.

Commercial banks are critical to the economy because without them, commercial operations would halt and normal transactions would be hampered. These commercial banks are also the classic “department stores” of finance, serving a diverse range of savers and individuals with borrowing needs.

This project’s primary focus is on commercial banks. The core activity in any commercial bank is the accounts kept by customers; that is to say, a commercial bank cannot exist without any customer’s accounts, therefore proper administration of these customers’ accounts benefits both the clients and the bankers.

Control refers to the procedures and mechanisms used to ensure that an organization’s objectives, strategies, and standards are met.

In addition, customer account control is extremely important to the success of a commercial bank. Some bankers (particularly the management of some commercial banks) do not maintain effective and efficient control of client accounts to the expansion of the commercial banks, and as a result, they tend to lose customers, which has a negative impact on the commercial banks.

Given the foregoing, the goal of this project is to identify the methods of customer account control used by commercial banks, and then to make recommendations and suggestions to alleviate existing problems and improve overall customer account control by commercial banks.


Commercial banks’ lifeblood is the accounts that their customers hold with them. These consumers put funds into their different accounts as frequently as feasible. As a result, the importance of deposits cannot be overstated.

This is due to the fact that it is a critical aspect in defining the commercial bank’s strength and competence. It is expected that commercial bank management will put in place a solid, effective, and adequate control mechanism over their clients’ accounts.

This study aims to address and explain how commercial banks monitor their clients’ accounts, the methods utilised, the formalities that must be followed, and the bank personnel that are in charge of these jobs at various stages. The following will be sought in order to fulfil these goals in this project.

The extent to which management monitors and controls people in charge of customer account operations.

Which branch of management is in charge of client account control?

An investigation into the problems that management undertakes to ensure that accurate accounting entries are made for each customer’s transaction on his behalf.

The procedures implemented by management to ensure proper and effective control of customer accounts.

Are there any regulations and guidelines established by commercial bank management for the control and administration of customer accounts?

Could the mechanisms that commercial banks use to control consumer accounts affect their profitability and viability?

In essence, the most important issue that this study tries to analyse is the extent to which commercial banks understand that they have implemented an acceptable system of control over their customers’ accounts as a method of pleasing the customer and ensuring their trust and continued patronage.


The primary research aims of this project are to investigate how commercial banks manage their customers’ accounts. More specifically, the objectives of this study are as follows:

i. Determine the goal of the commercial bank’s management, which is in charge of customer account control.

ii. Determine the methods via which commercial banks often handle their customers’ accounts.

iii. Determine how proper control of customer accounts contributes to the commercial bank’s profitability.

iii. Determine whether the personnel has sufficient training that qualifies them to handle customer accounts.

v. Determine whether clients spend a significant amount of time in banks.


It is evident that no commercial bank’s approach of controlling customer accounts can be watertight. However, if management establishes a good and strong way of managing client accounts,

It will be an invaluable assistance to effective management in that it will ensure that the regulations established are carefully adhered to by the management and personnel in charge of regulating customer accounts. It also ensures customers that the banks’ goals will be met in the future.

The significance of this study is that it will highlight the importance of commercial banks (particularly new breed banks) having an adequate system of controlling customer accounts. It will also highlight these banks some crucial actions that they have taken for granted in the control of customer accounts,

which may encourage them to work more rigorously. The project writer’s ideas should be valuable to the management of some commercial banks because they will assist them in closing loopholes in their own techniques of controlling customer accounts. As a consequence, they will be able to satisfy their current clients while also attracting new customers.

Many banks are becoming distressed these days due to a lack of proper control over their customers’ accounts, resulting in decreased deposits and increased withdrawals by customers. This study demonstrates the proper processes for safeguarding and controlling the customer’s accounts,

as well as other suggestions that these new breed banks can implement. As a result, the banking industry will benefit greatly from this research. Other individuals and bank account holders will profit from his research since they will now understand the lengths to which banks go to protect their money and accounts, as well as why they spend so much time in banks.

Students will also profit from this research because they will be able to read up on certain information that they may be looking for in commercial banks and client accounts.

Finally, the complete work will undoubtedly be valuable to other scholars who seek to do research on the same topic, and it will also serve as a good source of background material for research in fields outside the scope addressed.


We’ll take a look at several terms related to banking. These are the modifications:

i. Drawer: He is the person in charge of writing and signing cheques.

He is usually the current account holder or has an agent.

ii. Drawee: This is the banker on whom the cheque is drawn and to whom the payment order is issued.

iii. Payee: The person to whom the cheque is payable or the beneficiary of the cheque.

iv. Commission: These are charges made by the bank to consumers for services supplied to their current accounts.

v. Dormant account: A dormant account is one that has not been used by the customer for an extended period of time, ranging from three months to two years.

vi. Bank statement: This is a statement that shows the customer’s transactions with the bank during a specified time period, and these statements are given to the account holder on a regular basis.

vii. Endorsee: The individual to whom a cheque’s title is transmitted through endorsement.

viii. Endorser: The individual who transfers the title on a cheque to another by signing on the reverse of the cheque.

ix. Capital: This is the amount of money used to launch an enterprise.

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