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The research looked on the operational state of buildings in Corporate Organisations in Lagos state. It also investigates the elements influencing maintenance management and the various building maintenance management systems used in Lagos State corporate organisations.

In order to achieve these goals, the opinions of maintenance officers and building users in chosen corporate organisations were polled using standardised questionnaires.

The information gathered was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The investigation indicated that the operational state of corporate organisation buildings in Lagos State was above average.

Both maintenance officers and building users ranked complexity of design and non-involvement of maintenance experts during the design and construction stages, attitude of users and misuse of facilities, and inflation of maintenance costs by operatives as the most significant factors affecting maintenance management, respectively.

Both samples rated “insufficient fund for maintenance job” as one of the most significant factors responsible for poor maintenance management. This, however, contradicts the maintenance management’s allegation of insufficient resources, as found by another survey analysis.

The report also reveals that most organisations in Lagos state use preventive maintenance management. The study recommends that maintenance personnel and users collaborate for more efficient maintenance, that the government enact legislation requiring the incorporation of maintainability analysis during the project’s conception stage,

that developers ensure the availability of the overall maintenance fund, and that a proactive and value-based maintenance management strategy be implemented.




Because of our low budget, neglect, careless attitude, poor maintenance culture, and other factors, the practise of building management in Nigeria has suffered servilely.

In every aspect of our national life, there is unforgivable negligence and irresponsibility. Our buildings (public and private) do not receive enough upkeep care or attention. Our buildings are in very bad and dreadful structural and ornamental state, which is a regrettable but obvious reality. (1991, 2004; Iyagba and Adenuga).

As a result of this bad habit, many structures, both government and private, have become a shadow of their former selves and a far cry from what they were in the early stages of construction. Among many others, the Nitel buildings around the federation are notable.

Even if this once-powerful local mobile communication system was sold, history will show that in the later stages of its operation, the nature of its structure and facilities across the federation begged for the assistance of repair and maintenance practises.

A building requires upkeep to achieve peak performance throughout its life cycle. The upkeep of the built environment has an impact on entire nations. The conditions of our living and learning environments mirror the state of the nation.

The state and quality of buildings reflect popular pride or apathy, the level of prosperity in the area, societal values and behaviour, and all the myriad factors, both past and present, that combine to give a community its distinct character’ (Lee, 1987).

Despite the fact that global investment in building maintenance has been enormous. In most nations, it accounts for about half of total construction sector revenue. The worth of a building is determined by the quality of maintenance invested in it. Building maintenance, according to the International Facilities Management Association IFMA 2011,

is “the preventive and corrective upkeep of building components (HVAC, electrical, plumbing, lifts, carpentry, and painting), excluding janitorial and grounds maintenance.”

The goal of building maintenance is to keep the building in its original state so that it can continue to perform its tasks. Building maintenance’s primary purpose is to keep the structure in a workable state on a continual basis while remaining cost effective (Falade, 2001).

Maintenance management entails maximising the return on investment in maintenance activities (Olanrewaju, 2008). Building values are conserved and enhanced through value-based maintenance management, allowing them to perform efficiently and effectively. Value-based building maintenance management aims to plan, control, coordinate, organise,

and perform maintenance activities with an emphasis on resource efficiency in order to increase the value of a facility without damaging users’ perceptions and expectations. structure maintenance management, on the other hand, is focused on increasing the productivity, satisfaction, and efficiency of activities occurring within and around the structure.

The standards for excellent practise in building stock maintenance management have been established over a long period of time; yet, good practise is far from ubiquitous (Turrell, 1997).

Despite the aforementioned, the tendency has not been ingrained in the Nigerian system, resulting in the practice’s slow expansion in Nigeria. Only large multinational organisations and a few others, such as telecommunications conglomerates, have adopted this maintenance culture; most other corporations leave theirs to God and nature.


The desperate need to do things outside the normal way of doing them has become articles of faith in our national life, and this downward trend has raged on, consuming the younger generation who have grown into accepting such dilapidated way of doing things, which is one reason why we are not going to leave the gutters of underdevelopment anytime soon.

For Nigerian facilities to compete with those in developed regions of the world, enough attention must be paid to the issue of poor maintenance, which has eaten deep into our nation’s bone marrow. The issue is more ambiguous in public and government-owned institutions due to our casual attitude towards government and public-owned assets.

The primary culprit has been our nation’s lack of a maintenance culture. “It is widely acknowledged that one of the banes of development in Nigeria is our lack of a good maintenance culture for our infrastructure; be it roads, electricity/telephone infrastructure, educational/health facilities, and public/private buildings, among others,” (Onaro.A, 2011).

He also stated that stakeholders in the built environment are needed to facilitate the establishment of a culture of infrastructure maintenance, protection, and preservation.

Most organisations have failed to meet their objectives due to neglect of their built environment, resulting in most staff performing their duties in unfavourable conditions, resulting in staff illness, absence from work, low productivity, slowed economic growth, loss of life and property, and so on.

However, some organisations that have adopted this culture have failed to recognise the demands of building users, which should guide maintenance management operations in terms of policy, purposes, and objectives.

With these threats threatening the nation’s built environment, I believe it is worthwhile to conduct this research to examine the challenges of building maintenance management in corporate organisations using appropriate analysis,

followed by proposing solutions to the identified threats and possible recommendations to keep this socioeconomic decadence at bay.

1.3 AIM

To investigate the difficulties of building maintenance management in business organisations in Lagos State in order to provide solutions.


The following objectives are given out to help achieve the goal:

– To investigate the operating status of existing buildings in business organisations in Lagos state.

– Determine the elements influencing building maintenance management practise in corporate organisations in Lagos state.

– Determine the building maintenance management practises employed in corporate organisations in the state of Lagos.


The research hypothesis are stated as follows:

-There is no substantial association between maintenance personnel and users’ perceptions of the operational state of buildings in corporate organisations in Lagos state.

-In response to the causes responsible for inadequate building maintenance management in corporate organisations in Lagos state, there is no major contact between maintenance professionals and users.

-In response to the maintenance management method used in corporate organisations in Lagos state, there is no major contact between maintenance professionals and users.


-This is to pave the path for a better tomorrow by incorporating maintenance units into further enterprises, both commercial and government controlled.

-This work also aims to re-energize our lax attitude towards facilities, regardless of who owns and manages them. It is not always the duty and task of management, but rather a food chain with management at the helm of affairs at the top,

and also the members of staff to rise to the oath of office taken upon assumption of office to the effect that they shall treat the facilities therein to the best of their ability.

-It will also be a fascinating read for aspiring entrepreneurs because it will serve as a guide for them when they are ready to become industrialists, storm the economic scene, or work in any establishment, however corporate, they wish to enter.

-It also paints a picture of: it is one thing to build a large facility for business/educational/other activities, but it is quite another to build a facility maintenance unit within the confines of the environment to oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization’s facilities (both internal and external).

-The study will help organisations understand the health consequences of poor maintenance.

-The outcome will serve as the foundation for policy development and the structural framework for building maintenance management in Nigeria.

-The study’s findings would help increase organisational productivity and future cash flows.

-It will also act as a resource for students and other academics interested in similar studies.

-Finally, this research work, like any other literal work, seeks to be a mirror of society (i.e., allowing people from other academic disciplines to have knowledge of what is available in the field of entrepreneurship concerning the establishment of corporate establishments, both state owned and privately owned).


The scope of this work is vast because it addresses both soft and hard challenges related to the topic of this research.

The study will concentrate on chosen corporate organisations in Lagos that have been in existence for at least five years and employ at least 20 people.

Let me clarify emphatically that this research effort dives into why Nigerians lack a maintenance culture in general. Despite the fact that most corporate organisations lack maintenance management units,

members of staff and management lack a maintenance spirit, most likely because it is not their place of residence or for other reasons unrelated to carelessness.

This study seeks to address these issues through studies from various corporate organisations, both public and private, that will be visited during the course of this work’s discussion.

As stated in the preceding chapter, the basic notion is that Nigerians do not appreciate the beauty of structures at their (places of work), but rather dismiss them.


The study was confined to six (6) local government areas in Lagos state due to time restrictions, the confidentially of some organisations, difficulties in recovering some of the questionnaires, and the enormous financial costs involved.

The coverage was thus concentrated on Lagos metropolitan, owing to the presence of significant corporate organisations in the state as well as the location of several of Nigeria’s large facilities.


1.8.1 BUILDING: According to the 7th edition of the Oxford Advanced Learners English Dictionary, it is “a structure such as a house or school with a roof and walls for protection.” The Encarta dictionary defines it clearly as “a walled structure with a roof over it”; the preceding meanings bear little resemblance.

1.8.2 DEFECTS: These are discontinuities in a material or component that interfere with its utility.

18.3 DEGRADATION: The chemical transformation of a complex component into a simple one.

1.8.4 DETERIORATION: The slow deterioration of a building’s quality and strength as a result of fungal development, cracks, and weather conditions.

1.8.5 DILAPIDATION: A condition in which damaged elements of a building are ignored. This frequently results in additional deterioration in terms of quality, aesthetics, and structural soundness.

1.8.6 FACILITIES: According to the Webster dictionary, the term “includes buildings, services, and equipment (etc.) that are provided for a specific purpose.” It will amount to an installation, contrivance, and other things that assist something or a space for doing something in the context of this work.

It could be a commercial or institutional building such as a hotel or a sports arena. In the context of this work, facility/facilities are an important part of the issue that influences this discourse because we are concerned with the reasons and/or challenges that they have not received the best of treatments in our country.

Maintenance is defined as “work undertaken to keep or restore every facility to an acceptable standard at an acceptable cost” (White,E.N. 1973).

1.8.8 MANAGEMENT: In all enterprises and organisational activities, management is the process of bringing people together to achieve desired goals and objectives by utilising existing resources efficiently and effectively.

Management is the process of planning, organising, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organisation (a collection of one or more people or entities) in order to achieve predetermined goals.

Management can also be defined as human behaviours that include design to promote the development of beneficial outputs from a system, because an organisation can be considered as a system.

1.8.9 BUILDING PERFORMANCE: A building’s ability to act according to designed criteria under specific conditions.

1.8.10 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: According to the International Facilities Management Association (I.F.M.A), facilities management (FM) is “the practise or coordination of the physical workplace with the people and work of the organisation; integrates the principles of business administration, architecture, and the behavioural and engineering sciences.”

A more detailed description would be “an integrated approach to operating, maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings and infrastructure of an organisation in order to create an environment that supports the primary objective of the organisation” .

1.8.11 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT: According to Olanrewaju (2008), maintenance management entails “getting the most out of the investment made in maintenance activities.”

1.8.12 PERFORMANCE CRITERION: The level of quality required of a component or material to achieve compliance with performance criteria.

1.8.13 BUILDING COMPONENT SERVICE LIFE: The term of installation during which all properties exceed the minimum permissible value.

1.8.14 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT: Building maintenance management is the process of planning, directing, leading, and coordinating organisational resources for building maintenance in order for the building to continue to serve its intended purposes effectively and efficiently (Olanrewaju, 2009).

1.8.15 BENCHMARKING: The ongoing process of comparing products, services, and practises of organisations recognised as industry leaders against the toughest competitors (IFMA, 2011).

1.8.16 CORRUPTION: The misuse of entrusted power for personal benefit; it harms everyone whose life, livelihood, or happiness looks to be jeopardised as a result. In the context of this study, corruption has become a scourge to many developmental efforts as it was elevated from a vice to a virtue in government operations.

On Sunday, July 27, 2012, the radio Nigeria network news focused on the maintenance culture in Nigeria, citing corruption as one of the principal issues militating against the establishment of repair facilities in business organisations in Nigeria.

1.8.17 NEGLIGENCE: This is another key element that affects the government, the administration of a public organisation, and its employees. Nonchalance on the part of these factors has also contributed to inadequate facility upkeep.

How many times have we heard that a facility was burned to the ground as a result of a staff member failing to turn off the electrical equipment in their offices before leaving?

1.8.18 THE NIGERIAN FACTOR: This has always been the case, and I am afraid it will continue to be so. Lackadaisical behaviour in the name of “it is not my father’s house, my duty is to do my job and get paid at the end of the day” is an act that has indirectly spelt doom to the attainment of facility maintenance.

1.8.20 VALUE ENGINEERING: Evaluating building methods and/or materials to determine which have the net effect of lowering costs while meeting required performance, reliability, maintainability, aesthetic, safety, and security standards (IFMA, 2011).

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