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5.1 Introduction

The organization of this chapter includes a discussion of the research findings pertaining to the following research objectives: – to evaluate on formation of employees at Paga Tech in Lagos, to examine the various job descriptions of employees and achievement of organizational goals at Paga Techs Lagos, and to determine the effect of coordination on performance of employees at Paga Techs Lagos. This section follows the discussion’s conclusion with comments and suggestions for further study.

5.2  Summary of the findings

This section summarizes the study results regarding: – the effect of collaboration on the accomplishment of goals at Paga Techs Lagos. The survey determined that employees are dissatisfied since they are not acknowledged and there is a great deal of promotion bias. This demonstrates that the teams are not as efficient as they ought to be. Teamwork has a detrimental influence on Paga Techs Lagos’s administration of objectives. It was discovered that organizational culture influences how individuals and groups interact with one another, with customers, and with stakeholders. The cultural paradigm consists of the many ideas, values, rituals, and symbols that control the operational style of the individuals inside an organization. It also examines the organization’s mission and operating style. Corporate culture unites the workers and provides the organization with direction. Positive teamwork may be achieved if the corporate culture is clearly understood by all workers. As workers are acclimated to a specific way of doing things, the greatest obstacle for any firm during times of upheaval may be to alter its culture. Paga Techs Lagos has an issue with including employees in decision-making; employees are informed “this is what will happen; give us your advice” after choices have already been taken.

The research also revealed that communication is an issue in SOS, but successful communication is only possible if the recipient comprehends the specific information or concept that the sender meant to convey. Many of the issues that arise inside a company are the direct consequence of poor communication. It is essential to study the communication process since you coach, coordinate, advise, analyze, and oversee throughout its whole. Integrating the members of an organization from top to bottom, bottom to top, and side to side is the chain of understanding. Without which effective duty performance may be lacking.

5.3          Conclusion

The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of collaboration on the attainment of organizational goals using the example of Paga Techs Lagos. This research reaches the following conclusions based on the data gathered, evaluated, and results obtained. Regarding the influence of culture on teamwork by Paga Techs Lagos, the research determined that there are particulars that employers must consider in order to sustain excellent cooperation. This study determined that there should be equity in job allocation across all regions to allow people to bring their diverse cultural backgrounds to the organization. Acceptance and appreciation for diversity, as well as fair treatment of each employee and appreciation for each employee’s contribution to the organization, were also highly recommended. Regarding the Job Description and collaboration, this research determined that employees are not provided proper job descriptions, which forces them to do responsibilities outside of their purview. This was accomplished via staff evaluations and oversight of the various duties assigned to workers.

Regarding Workers’ Proper Communication, this research determined that the company employs tactics to attain the best teamwork outcomes. Paga Techs Lagos achieves the finest teamwork results via employee appreciation, decent working environment, good compensation, and employee advancement. Regarding the Individual coordination of workers, the survey determined that Paga Techs employs competent personnel who have received training at several universities. A variety of reasons have been identified as to why organizations form teams: the study found that organizational objectives, building organizational reputation, producing a higher level of performance, increasing employees’ organizational commitment, and providing quality services to customers are the primary reasons why organizations form teams.

5.4 Recommendation

The following recommendations were derived from the research under the following themes: Regarding the impact of culture on Paga Techs, it is important to understand that Culture as root metaphor views the organization as its culture, which is generated via communication and symbols, or competing metaphors. Paga Techs should aim for a “healthy” company culture in order to promote production, development, and efficiency while decreasing unproductive behavior and staff attrition. They must be tolerant and appreciative of variety. Regard for and equitable treatment of every employee, as well as appreciation for their contributions.

Effective teams must have open communication channels. Communication must be sincere and flow freely among all team members. Team members who understand one other’s distinctive communication styles, or who agree on a single style of communication from the beginning, are more likely to drive the team in a productive, supported path. Team members must never be shy to discuss difficulties and concerns, as well as fresh ideas and personal observations, with other team members. Coordination, on the other hand, is essential for teams to function effectively and accomplish organizational objectives. Coordination always entails the Coordination of Project Actions and the guiding principles for doing successfully in an organization. Flick (2006). This research determined that job descriptions for each team members are required and should include a job title, a job overview, and a list of duties.

The activities, responsibilities, accountability, and connections outlined in two job descriptions with the same title and similar level of salary may vary. This would let people perform their responsibilities without feeling compelled to do someone else’s task without compensation. Using job descriptions will assist a business in gaining a better understanding of the necessary experience and skill set to boost its success. They assist in the selection, appraisal, and possible termination of personnel. All too often, there is a misunderstanding of what a role requires, and a well-written job description may assist both parties to a consensus. It is essential for the firm to provide an accurate job description that defines the skills, training, and education a prospective employee must possess. It will outline the job’s tasks and obligations. Once a job description has been drafted, it may serve as the foundation for applicant interviews, employee orientation, and work performance review.

Utilizing job descriptions is a component of effective management. According to the findings of the research, cooperation is a beneficial experience for employees. Towards Appropriate Communication, it was discovered that appropriate communication is proportional to the amount to which people have positive emotions regarding their professions.

The organization’s initiatives for achieving the greatest teamwork outcomes included employee appreciation, appropriate working conditions, enough compensation, and staff promotions. Working in a team empowers individuals and aids in their development of independence, which is a source of meaningful, effective communication. Teams with a broad range of professional abilities are better suited to face a variety of issues. When constructing teams, take the effort to ensure that every team member have complementary talents and qualities. Bringing together individuals with similar skill sets might result in much conversation but little action. By ensuring that each team member has a distinct area of expertise, team members may rely on one another for some parts of performance while recognizing their own anticipated contributions.

This survey revealed that Paga Techs employs personnel with genuine credentials; hence, they believe that they should get more monetary incentives commensurate with their credentials, given the majority of their colleagues at other NGOs earn more than them. Simultaneously, there is no advancement for labor. The promotion process is not based on credentials, but on loyalty. This practice should be avoided, and individuals should be compensated according to their credentials and expertise. The questioned supervisors verified that the work allocation was not equitable for certain employees, since they were given many duties that were not allocated to them. They also reaffirmed that workers do not see teamwork favorably and that some of them have a negative attitude towards teamwork.

They affirmed, however, that they feel teamwork is the greatest approach since it increases morale and aids in the effective operation of the Lagos branch. This is accomplished by using personnel from various areas and ensuring that they all work together for the benefit of the kid. Based on the evidence presented, there is a need for management to develop an enabling working climate that





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