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Chapter one
1.1 Background of the Study
Employee performance is heavily influenced by their working environment.
The working environment is seen to have a significant impact on employee performance, either negatively or positively (Chandrasekar 2001).
Every organisation, large or small, is founded with the intention of achieving specific aims and objectives. People are organised because they have similar duties to complete or goals to achieve.
As a result, it is critical to create a positive work environment in order to maximise employee productivity. That is, both people and material resources must be effectively managed in order for the organisation to achieve its desired results.
Many elements may be associated or accountable for worker performance in an industrial organisation. These include working conditions, cultural effects, job incentives, physical fitness, environmental influences, skill, and many more.
Regardless of the barriers that affect worker performance in any organisation, a conducive work environment plays a very vital and conspicuous part in their efficacy.
The effect of the work environment allows personnel to be more effective in their assigned tasks. The work environment can also be referred to as the organisational climate, which is similar to a person’s personality.
People’s views of that climate form images in their minds. Some organisations are bustling and effective, whereas others are laid-back, humane, or hard and frigid.
It is critical to understand how employees perceive the organisation in which they work, as well as the extent to which people are regarded as human beings rather than cogs in a machine.
It is reasonable to suppose that not all individuals will have the same perspective on that environment. Some will perceive it as authoritarian and unfavourable, while others will see it as democratic and definitive.
Industrial workers are generally looking for the greatest type of work environment in terms of health and safety, salary, first aid, and a positive leadership style in order to accomplish their ends and make a living.
Workers seek to maximise their income, not production capacity. As a result, it has become critical to develop a positive work atmosphere in order to ensure employee effectiveness.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Workers become disheartened if their working conditions are not improved, and as a result, they are not motivated or satisfied to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. As a result of workers’ ineffectiveness non the industrial workplace, our country lags far behind other advanced countries. Some of these issues are:
Ø Workers may not have access to necessary protective equipment.
– Five fire prevention measures are not available in case of an epidemic.
Lack of access to healthcare services, such as clinics, for workers’ well-being.
Employees may lack motivation, which has been noted as an issue.
There is also the issue of work-related injuries and illnesses, which occur as a result of events or exposures in the workplace that created or contributed to the condition or significantly aggravated an already existing condition.
Work-related injuries and illnesses that result in death, loss of consciousness, time away from work, significant work-related injustices or illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or other licenced health care provider, chronic irreversible diseases, any fractured or cracked bone or a punctured eardrum, and so on are all recordable cases.
Occasional illness also include, skin disease or disorders which illness involving the worker’s skin that are caused by work exposure to chemicals, plants, or other job substances instances contact. Dermatitis, Eczema, or rash caused by a primary irritating blister, persistent ulcer inflammation of the skin, and so on.
Respiratory problems are illnesses caused by inhaling dangerous biological agents, chemical particles, gases, vapours, or fumes at work. Examples include silicosis, TB, occupational asthma, reactive airway dysfunction, and beryllium illness. Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypersensitivity peritonitis, toxic inhalation injury, such as metal fume fever, chronic bronchitis, and pneumoconiosis.
Poisoning refers to illnesses characterised by abnormal concentrations of poisonous compounds in blood, other tissues, and bodily fluids on the breath that are produced by toxic material consumption or absorption into the body.
For example, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, or other metal poisoning can be caused by injective sprays like parathion or leadasenate, or by other chemicals like formulae hydes.
Hearing loss: Noise-induced loss for records keeping in charge in hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10db or more in either ear at and 4.000. hartez, and the employees total level is 25decible (db) or more above the audiometric zero, also at and 4.000 hartz in the same ear(s).
Other occupational illness: Examples include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat stress, and other effects of environmental heat, freezing frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperature, decompression sickness, the effect of ionising radiation (isotopes x-ray), radium, and the effects of no ionising radiation (welding flash, ultraviolet rays less).
Anthracic blood-borne pathogenic disease such as AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis Brucellosis, malignant or becoming tumours histoplasmosis Coccidomycosis.
Aside from all of the occupational illnesses and injuries that have an impact on worker productivity in the workplace, there is one unavoidable occupational problem: leadership or supervisory style.
The supervisory or leadership style that is applied in the workplace is an authoritarian boss who does not want to know about the problems of his employees and may have a careless attitude towards their performance. All of these factors have an impact on his employees’ effectiveness in the industrial environment.
Many scholars have expressed a strong interest in these areas of study. Danvan (1971) believed that this was his concept. According to research findings, a democratic type of supervision leadership outperforms an autocratic one in most industrialised economies.
The numerous challenges that affect the work environment and the work must be understood by management, as well as the conditions that may improve their level of performance capacity.
The goal of this research is to acquire a better understanding of the impact of a work environment that is designed to make it easier for employees to perform their jobs effectively.
The study’s aims are stated as follows.
i. To assess the impact of a lack of productive equipment on worker performance in a Nigerian bottling company.
ii. Determine whether elaborate fire prevention facilities and manuals in workplaces can lead to increased worker safety and thus improved performance.
iii. Determine the impact of health care facilities, such as first aid in the plant and clinic, on employee productivity.
iii. Investigate the amount of workers’ impact in an industrial organisation, such as the Nigeria Bottling Company.
i. Does the provision of health facilities encourage workers to be more productive?
ii. Does the provision of workplace safety amenities lead to improved security and performance?
iii. Does an employee’s motivation effect productivity?
iv. Does the lack of protective equipment impair the performance of workers at Nigeria Bottling Company?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses will be researched and assessed during this study project.
i. H0: The availability of health facilities motivates workers to increase output.
H1: The availability of health facilities motivates workers to increase output.
ii. H0: The provision of workplace safety facilities does not lead to increased security and performance among Nigeria Bottling Company employees.
H1: The provision of workplace safety facilities improves worker security and performance at Nigeria Bottling Company.
iii. Hypothesis: Inadequate and incorrect motivation is not a major factor affecting productivity in Nigeria Bottling Company.
H1: Inadequate and inadequate motivation is not a major factor influencing production in Nigeria Bottling Company.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This research or study is inspired by workers’ poor performance in the industrial workplace, which has largely contributed to the failure of many of Nigeria’s industries to accomplish their assigned tasks.
However, the working environment is viewed as a significant aspect that influences worker performance. It is when workers are in a conducive environment and are provided with fringe benefits such as travel that we will be able to find a solution to these problems while also improving over industrial sectors and other establishments as a factor of worker performance.
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study’s scope is limited to the Nigerian Bottling Company (Coca-Cola), which is located at the mainland hotel Ido-Oyinbo. The research will focus on workers and employee performance in an industrial organisation such as Nigeria Bottling Company.
Some of the departments employed for research are the laboratory, maintenance, human resources, and accounting departments of the organisation.
The study will include both male and female workers. This would help us evaluate how conducive the environment is and how it affects the performance of workers at Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC).
The study’s limitation has not been an easy task, as any encounters in getting the management of Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) to cooperate in giving necessary approval to carry out this research to the organisation have resulted in significant delays and restrictions.
However, they were assured that the research was primarily and solely for academic purposes, and that any material gathered would be kept strictly confidential, as well as with the assistance of the head of the maintenance department and some of their managers. I was granted the opportunity to continue with the research.
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