Project Materials




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Chapter one

1.1 Introduction

Since the start of management as a distinct course many decades ago, managers and organisations have been well aware that they cannot operate without a good intake and outflow from a better information system.

In today’s culture, both individuals and organisations use information to deliberate about topics. The significance of management information systems cannot be overstated, especially given that management information is a relatively new field.

Information dissemination is an essential component for every organization’s effective and efficient operations. Management information played a significant role in determining an organization’s success or failure.

A good information system is essential for keeping all lines and levels of the organisation running smoothly, and effective management control is fully dependent on the availability of information about the company’s activities such as manufacturing, sales, and other services.

An organisation is a social system that has been deliberately constructed to carry out a certain function. It is made up of people who are in patterned relationships. That is, every organisation has a collective identity

which includes time schedules, a programme of activities, and procedures for adding and deleting members, all of which are made feasible by the use of good management information.

Every organisation has a division of labour that assigns specialised tasks to its members, as well as a status hierarchy that distributes uneven shares of authority and influence.

The information system enables business executives to exercise judgement when making business decisions, and the scope and extent of such decisions are determined by the responsibilities allocated to them by the organisation.

Management information is a critical instrument in the management process that involves planning, organising, categorising, distributing, and summarising acquired data.

Because of the importance of organisational structure, the purpose of this research was to examine the impact of management information systems on organisational productivity and to determine whether they contributed to the success or failure of organisational productivity, with a focus on Apex Printing Work Nigeria Limited, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State.


To examine various empirical analyses of management information systems with the goal of determining their influence and relationship to organisational productivity.

Most organisations do not believe or use processed information and data when making business decisions. This condition has led to the early death of companies.

The goal of this research is to address this issue by applying positive empirical analysis of management information systems to organisational productivity.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The study’s findings will address the relationship between information systems and organisational productivity. As a result, it assists organisations such as schools, ministries, and government parastatals with their own management strategies.

Second, this research will benefit polytechnic students at Ikot Osurua in their studies by serving as a source of knowledge for them in their future research topics.

Finally, the findings of this study will assist Apex Printing Work (Nigeria) Limited management in improving their organization’s management information system.

1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study centres on Apex Printing Work (Nig) Limited in Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

This study has the following limitations:

It is worth noting that the study is hampered in terms of obtaining relevant and ready materials from the company visited.
The lack of sufficient money prevented more thorough study and extensive methodological investigation during the research procedure.

Furthermore, the time allotted for research and project completion was extremely limited due to other academic responsibilities.
As a result, if the issues listed above are addressed, another researcher working on the same or similar subject may arrive at a different conclusion and findings.

Research Hypothesis

HO: There is no substantial correlation between management information systems and organisational productivity.

Hi: There is a strong link between management information systems and organisational productivity.

HO: There is no substantial association between the use of management information systems and organisational death rates.

Hi: There is a considerable association between the use of management information systems and organisational mortality rates.


The following research questions were generated.

Will Apex Printing Works’ management be able to tell us when they implemented the management information system?

Will Apex Printing’s management be able to identify the basic components of the organization’s numerous information flows?

Will Apex Printing’s management be able to determine the contribution of the management information system to organisational productivity?

Will they be able to tell us whether there is a link between management, the information system, and organisational productivity?

Will Apex Printing Work’s management be able to explain how useful the management information system is in the manufacturing department?

Apex Printing Work Ltd.’s historical background. This project research examines the empirical impact of management information systems on organisational productivity, with a focus on Apex Printing Works (Nig) Limited, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State.

This company was founded solely via the efforts of its proprietor. According to the Apex guide released in 1975, the company began full printing operations with an authorised capital of N5 million.

According to the company’s managing director, the authorised capital of N5 million was extended to N12 million and then to N28 million in order to expand the company’s equity shares. The company is headquartered at No.4 Essien Road in Ikot Ekpene, AKwa Ibom State, which also serves as its registered office.

The primary goal of the organisation is to address the expanding needs of the people in the area of operation. This company does a wide range of printing work, including calendars, almanacks, activity programmes, greeting cards, book binding, text books, novels, supplemental cards, and more.

Since its inception, the corporation has functioned as a development agent in the state’s local areas, as well as providing employment opportunities for indigenous people within its activities.

Definition of Terms
To eliminate ambiguity caused by a word having many meanings, the terminology used in this study are defined below:


Is data given in a meaningful method or form? As a result, the four pieces of data are summarised using the period information. The plant has extra capacity and is hence incurring unneeded costs. A manager understands information and uses it to make decisions. Ricky W. Gryphon (1999: 102).


A system is an interaction that exists between multiple components, designed to achieve a given goal. Regon A. (1989: 65).


In general, productivity is an economic measure of efficiency that sums up the value of outputs in relation to the value of the inputs needed to produce them. Arthy J. (1972: 72).

Management Information System

As a result, management information system is a broad word used to define any systems designed to support the organization’s management and control at all levels. Ackoff, Robert L. (1967:110).

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