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The rate of consumption of a specific product is governed not only by the consumer’s demand, but also by the extent to which the product is advertised to the consumer. Advertising is consequently recognised as a critical component of the marketing mix. This experiment seeks to investigate the impact of advertising on noodle consumption in Nigeria.

In order to accomplish this, questionnaires were prepared and distributed to people of all ages and genders, and the replies gathered assisted in drawing possible conclusions from the experiment that was completed. Advertising has a significant impact on noodle consumption in Nigeria. Possible recommendations were provided to improve advertising methods to increase noodle consumption.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The first goal of any business should be to maximise client happiness. The marketing manager has authority over a number of aspects known as the “marketing mix.” One of the elements to consider while seeking to satisfy client desires is the type of promotional activity. Advertising is one of the most crucial aspects of promotion.

Many businesses regard advertising to be a more effective promotional strategy than personal selling, sales promotion, or PR. This is because advertising delivers many presentations to large groups of individuals with a single message, whereas personal selling requires individual contact with each prospect.

Also, sales marketing is regular and involves individual connections. Publicity, like advertising, offers many presentation options, but the corporation has limited control over message substance and placement.

While advertising is given so much credit, it is critical to our understanding that we recognised the importance of advertising in marketing from the beginning.

Advertising is a form of paid communication used to market a product or service or to spread a concept to the general audience. The promotional mix includes more than just advertising. Other components of the marketing mix include sales promotion, direct mail, etc.

Advertising is important to all organisations (public and private) because it aids in marketing and non-marketing activities. It is used to announce new products, invite inquiries, educate consumers, recover lost sales,

recruit new employees, attract investors, and create a special product, among other things. It is a favourable means of communication between them and their audience.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The public occasionally misunderstands the role of advertising and its nature; the public generally perceives advertising as noisy and at times irritating. Advertising causes economic and societal difficulties in our surroundings.

Three key broad-based challenges in advertising are:

1. Despite its economic importance in our society, the general public has a limited knowledge of these types of mass communication; because advertising is persuasive, it is sometimes blamed and thus prone to negative reactions.

2. The researcher will also assess the efficacy required at various levels of demand and supply in honey well noodles meals.

3. The researcher will evaluate the promotional mix of the marketing department that contributes to sales. This will examine the method of determining the advertising budget to improve sales.


1. Does advertising increase brand loyalty among customers?

2. To what extent does advertising introduce a new market or product?

3. To what extent does advertising provide the option to select the product that best meets the functional and social needs?

4. Does advertising generate a positive climate for preserving and boosting sales while also neutralising competitors?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

When conducting any research, the project should have a specific assumption on which to focus its attention in order to establish the theory’s likelihood of validity.

Ho: the use of advertising does not increase sales

Hello: advertising boosts sales.

Hi: advertising raises client awareness of the product.


The goal of this research is to appreciate the theoretical aspects of advertising that we have learned in class. Every activity must have an aim, and advertising is no exception, with such an objective clearly stated and understood. Some common study objectives are discussed below:

1. The goal of advertising is to establish brand loyalty among customers.

2. Advertising allows individuals to choose the product that best meets their functional and social demands.

3. One of the purposes of advertising is to promote a new market or product.

4. The goal of advertising is to create a favourable environment for maintaining and increasing sales, as well as neutralising competitors.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research should be valuable to any company, particularly those that manufacture noodle foods, and it is hoped that it will be significant to honey as well. In some ways, the study’s proposals could help these companies enhance their advertising methods.

It is also envisaged that the study will benefit the Federal Polytechnic Auchi as a learning institution in Nigeria.

Finally, the research study is really valuable or relevant to Nigerian marketing students. Polytechnic and university students might benefit from expanding their knowledge of advertising in order to make a stronger contribution to future advertising research.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study work is meant to be somewhat broad. It focuses on advertising in the marketing section of honey well noodles meals.

However, advertising has been discussed in length to encompass forms of advertising, aims of advertising, functions of advertising, importance of advertising, and so on.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The field work portion of research is a significant source of effort, particularly in questionnaire studies. At times, some respondents cause undue delay in the research by postponing the questionnaire supplied to them before making themselves available. Another limiting issue could be the expectation that respondents will answer the survey form honestly and adequately.

Other limiting variables include the research’s financial requirements as well as the limited time available.

Furthermore, top management may be unwilling to provide confidential data, hence no information was available. The study is limited to Honey Well Noodle Foods Nigeria Limited.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Marketing involves understanding and addressing personal and social needs. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), marketing is an organisational role and set of processes for producing,

communicating, and delivering value to customers, as well as maintaining customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and its stakeholders.

Adverting: Any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, commodities, or services by a specific sponsor.

Persuade: The goal is to generate liking, preference, conviction, and purchase of a product or service.

Media: Media is the channel via which messages are conveyed to consumers regarding a specific product or service.

Economic: Economics is the discipline of maximising satisfaction. It is also a social science that investigates human behaviour as a function of objectives and means.

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