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Annotated Bibliography on the Teaching of Psychology: 1983

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International, 1983,44, 3326A. Groups receiving instructor monitoring were more likely to earn better grades and to comply with the experiment. 2135. Harari, H., Grosslight, B. R, & Edwards, D. M. Guidelines and priorities for undergraduate clinical programs. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 153-155 Provides information on the attitudes of mental health professionals who exercise control over these work settings. 2136. Hardwick, D. A On the value of asking students what they want to know about child development. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 174-175. Author discovers the desires and needs of students are not mutually exclusive. 2137. Harper, B. F., & Silvestro, J. R. Use of videocassette parent interviews in teaching developmental psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 239-241. Students gained a greater awareness of the diversity of parent perspectives on child rearing. 2138. Harris, B. Telling students about the history of social psychology Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 26-28. Argues against teaching history only as ceremony, and describes an alternative social context approach. 2139. Harris, R. M. Changing women’s self perception: Impact of a psychology of women course. Psychological Reports, 1983, 52, 314. Results suggest that exposure to women’s studies courses may be associated with the development of healthy self perceptions. 2140. Hart, J. J, & English, B. L. Theoretical orientation change in students following a course in history and systems of psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10,37-40 Students tended toward either an objective (Lockian) or subjective (Liebnitzian) viewpoint as a correlate of certain personality variables. 2141. Heckhausen, H. The status of psychology. Psychologische 250 Rundschau, 1983, 34, 1-20. Examines how far psychology has succeeded in improving its position within the German university system. 2142. Hollenbeck, A. R., & Small, A. C. Response to Professor McKeachie’s comments. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 173. Authors claim they did not set out to test the hypothesis that McKeachie claims their methods failed to illucidate. (See item 2173.) 2143. Holloway, H. D. A multiplan undergraduate psychology curriculum Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 120. Students can choose among twenty different curricular plans in combining a psychology major with a particular minor. 2144. Houston, J P. Psychology: A closed system of self-evident information? Psychological Reports, 1983, 52, 203-208 Points to possibility that psychology teachers may unwittingly spend too much time teaching self evident principles. 2145. Hoyer, W. J. Students’ expectations of the psychology of adult development and aging. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 178-179. Describes course expectations survey designed to clarify students’ expectations of the aging field. 2146. Jacobs, K. W. Textbook evaluations by students. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 183-184. Students contribute to their own education by evaluating potential course textbooks 2147. Jensen, M. E. Peter Shaffer’s plays as case studies in transactional analysis Journal of Transactional Analysis, 1983, 13, 55-75. Two plays, Equus and Amadeus, were used in college communications classes to help students grasp TA concepts. 2148. Johnson, M. Research on teaching the psychology of women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1983, 7, 96-104. Reviews studies on the impact of psychology of women courses and suggests additional research approaches in this area. 2149. Kalat, J. W. Effect of early practice tests on later performance in introductory psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 53. For this author’s class the practice tests had little, if any, effect. 2150. Kalat, J. W. Possibilities for enhanced un-educated guessing on published introductory psychology multiple-choice test items. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 231. Choosing the longest answer to each question produced a higher than chance score 2151. Kellogg, R The psychology of Agatha Christie. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 46-47. Approach using these mystery novels to illustrate psychological concepts proved engaging and educational to students. 2152. Kemble, E D. Insect predation by rodents Some inexpensive experiments in comparative and physiological psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 109-110. Describes several projects requiring minimal equipment that pose interesting and challenging questions to students. 2153. Kerber, K. W. Beyond experimentation: Research projects for a laboratory course in psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 236-239. Suggests using observational, survey and archival projects to expose students to a variety of empirical inquiry methods. 2154. Kimball, M. M, & Gray, V. A. Feedback and performance expectancies in an academic setting. Sex Roles, 1982,8,999-1024 Findings from a general psychology class indicate that the effects of feedback on performance expectancies are vulnerable to situational changes. 2155. Kimlicka, T. M. Student evaluation of course content, teaching effectiveness, and personal growth in an experimental course. College Student Journal, 1982, 16, 198-200. Use of an adjunctive method of student evaluation in a counseling psychology class contributed to the instructor’s growth. 2156. Klugh, H. E. Writing and speaking skills can be taught in psychology classes, Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 170-171. Author describes a structure developed for providing students with practice in research, writing and presentation of psychology material 2157. Krantz, 0 S., Durel, L. A, Singer, J. E, & Gatchel, R. J. Teaching psychology in the medical curriculum: Students’ perceptions of a basic science course in medical psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 1983. 10, 149-153. High initial ratings of the importance of topics for behavioral science were maintained at the end-ofcourse appraisal 2158. Kraut, A G. (Ed) The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series (Vol. 2) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1982. Lectures about social, educational, memory, environmental, and sexual behavior to aid general psychology teachers. Teaching of Psychology at SAGE Publications on June 21, 2016 Downloaded from 2159. Kremer, J. F., Aeschleman, S. R., & Peterson, T. P. Enhancing compliance with study skill strategies: Techniques to improve self monitoring. Journal of College Student Personnel, 1983, 24, 518-524. The impact of a presentation to psychology students on how to self-monitor study time was assessed. 2160. Lamal, P. A. High PSI course ratings and a possible end-ofterm effect: Further evidence. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 182-183. Results indicate these high positive evaluations are not due to an end-of-term effect. 2161. Larrabee, M. J. Using simulations to foster understanding of aging. School Counselor, 1983, 30, 261-268. Discusses methods to be used in education settings for simulating the physical conditions of the elderly. 2162. Le Unes, A. Little Albert from the viewpoint of abnormal psychology textbook writers. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 230-231. Describes the inconsistent textbook treatments of Watson and Raynor’s classic 1920 study. 2163. Levine, R. V. An interdisciplinary course studying psychological issues through literature. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 214-216. The opportunity to read fine literature and to discuss its application to psychology was enjoyable for all. 2164. Lewin, L. M., & Wakefield, J. A. Teaching psychology through an instructor-debate format. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 115-116. This approach to the heredity-environment question is more stimulating than the usual lecture format. 2165. Lord, S. B. Teaching of the psychology of women: An examination of a teaching-learning model. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1982, 7, 70-80. Describes structure of the course and basic assumptions underlying the teaching approach. 2166. Lopez Sierra, A. J. Psychology in Mexico: The need for an educational policy at the national level. Ensenanza e Investigacion en Psicoloqie, 1982, 8, 276-285. Discusses the rapid development of psychology as a science, teaching discipline, and profession in Mexico. 2167. Macaranas, N. Fostering, experiencing and developing creativity as a method of instruction in psychology. Creative Child & Adult Quarterly, 1982, 7, 15-29. Describes creative thinking and problem solving approach to teaching college personality theory class. 2168. Mausner, B., Wolff, E. F., Efans, R. W, DeBoer, M. M, Gulkus, S. P., D’Amore, A., & Hirsch, S. A program of computer assisted instruction for a personalized instructional course in statistics Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 195-200. Enabled strong students to acquire skills quickly and helped teachers identify and help slower students. 2169. McCallum, L. W. Use of a senior comprehensive exam in evaluation of the psychology major. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10,67-69. Increased curriculum requirements reflect subarea scores from department’s administration of the GRE. 2170. McClain, L. Behavior during examinations: A comparison of “A”, “C”, and “F” students. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 69-71. On objective tests superior students are apt to use more sophisticated test taking strategies. 2171. McClain, L. Students perform better on early final exams. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 226-227. “A”, “B”, and “C” students scored higher when the final exam was given prior to the scheduled time. 2172. McCrary, R. D. New directions in human development. Journal of College Student Personnel, 1983,23,350-351. Changes in a human development curriculum aim at relating courses to life experience. 2173. McKeachie, W. J. The effect of emotional states on validity of student ratings. Teaching of Psychology, 1983, 10, 172-173. Criticism of Small & Hollenbeck’s (see item 2142) between-group method of analysis. 2174. McPherson, K., &Wylie, N. Teaching psychology at the small liberal arts college: A two day conference.


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