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The purpose of this study was to look into the impact of violent behaviour on adolescents. As a case study, a selected secondary school in Delta State’s Sapele Local Government Area was used. Three hypotheses drawn from the research questions were examined in an attempt to meet the study’s aims.

A structured inquiry was used to acquire pertinent data from the sampled respondents. Both descriptive (frequency count, table, and percentages) and inferential statistical (chi-square) analyses were performed on the acquired data.

The data analysis revealed the following findings: there is a significant relationship between perceived lack of equity and adolescent violent behaviour, there is a significant relationship between poverty and adolescent violent behaviour, and there is also a significant relationship between ineffective government and breakdown of law and order.

Based on these findings, it was advised, among other things, that the government establish an enabling environment for youth, more job possibilities, and long-term development for the area, as well as practise equity and fairness in the distribution of resources in the state.

Adults and government officials should set a good example since adolescents in society monitor and emulate the behaviour of their role models. Furthermore, media content should be limited to adolescents.




The prevalence of aggressive behaviour among children and adolescents is a major source of concern. Parents, teachers, and other adults must thoroughly understand these complicated and distressing concerns. Even preschoolers can engage in violent behaviour.

Parents and adults who see the behaviour may be concerned, but they frequently hope that the youngster will outgrow it. Violent behaviour in a child of any age should always be regarded seriously. It should not be dismissed as merely a phase they are going through.

Adolescents have access to and consume a wide range of media forms, many of which contain violent content. Most homes have television sets, and watching television (TV) is the most common pastime of adolescents, second only to sleeping.

According to Lomonaco, Kim, and Ottaviano (2010), the average child in the United States spends four hours per day watching television. Nigeria’s scenario is not much different. Most children aged 5 to 20 spend more than 6 hours a day consuming entertainment media (television, commercial and self-produced videos, movies, video games, print, radio, recorded music, computers, and the internet) (Roberts, Foctir, and Rideout, 2005).

Watching Nigerian films (Africa Magic), most of which contain a high level of violence, has recently become a popular pastime among many young people. The inference is that by the age of 18, the average child will have observed several acts of violence, including killings.

According to Beresin (2009), up to 20 incidents of violence occur each hour in teenage programming. The high level of violent content in media forms is linked to youth violence.

The presence of violence on the internet (killing, shooting, fighting, etc.) is associated with a 50% rise in reports of seriously violent behaviour (Lomonaco et al, 2010). Desensitisation to violent video games as a result of violent television programmes (Caragey, Cray, and Bushman, 2007). TVs are typically found in bedrooms.

The presence of a television set in a child’s bedroom boosts their TV viewing time. It may also mean that parents are less likely to supervise the content of what is watched and may be unable to create consistent media usage guidelines. Furthermore, such children may engage in fewer alternative activities, such as reading, athletics, and gaming.

Violence is frequently present, even in programmes that are not advertised as violent. Weapons appear on prime time television an average of nine times every hour. Adolescent programmes are more likely to juxtapose violence with humour and less likely to depict the long-term consequences of violence.

While violence is not inherent in the human race, it is becoming more prevalent in modern society. The scope and efficiency of aggressive behaviour has major ramifications when access to firearms and explosives increases.

To understand the scope of this frightening trend, consider recent school shootings and the rising prevalence of teenage killings among metropolitan teens.

While the causes of youth violence are multifactorial and include variables such as poverty, family psychopathology, child abuse, exposure to domestic and community violence, substance abuse, and other psychiatric disorders,

research literature suggests that adolescent exposure to media violence plays an important role in the aetiology of violent behaviour. While it is difficult to pinpoint which children who have witnessed violence are most vulnerable, there appears to be a substantial link between violence and aggressive behaviour among fragile at-risk youngsters. …



Adolescence is a period to gain independence. Adolescents typically assert their independence by questioning their parents’ rules, which can lead to rule violation. Parents and doctors must discern between minor lapses in judgement and serious misbehaviour that necessitates professional intervention.

The severity and frequency of transgressions serve as indicators. Drinking on a regular basis, fighting frequently, frequent truancy, and theft, for example, are far more serious than isolated occurrences of the same activities.

Other warning signals include poor academic performance and running away from home; adolescents who cause serious injury or use a weapon in a fight are especially concerning. Adolescents will occasionally engage in physical conflict.

The frequency and severity of violent confrontations may rise during adolescence. Although school-related violence is widely publicised, adolescents are far more likely to be involved in violent episodes (or, more frequently, the threat of violence) at home and outside of school.

Many variables lead to an increased risk of violence among teenagers, including: • unemployment • poverty • deprivation • underdevelopment / development concerns • gang participation / formation of militia organisation • access to firearms.

There is little evidence to show a link between aggression and genetic or chromosomal problems. Adolescents are often out of the direct physical authority of adults since they are considerably more autonomous and mobile than children were.

Adolescent behaviour is governed by their own moral and behavioural code in these circumstances. Parents guide rather than lead their adolescent’s behaviour. Adolescents who experience parental warmth and support are less prone to participate in dangerous behaviours.

Furthermore, adolescents whose parents communicate clear expectations about their children’s behaviour and demonstrate regular limit setting and monitoring are less likely to engage in behaviours. Authoritarian parenting is a parenting style in which children help to set family expectations and regulations.

In contrast to severe or lenient parenting, this parenting style is more likely to promote adult behaviours. Authoritarian parents generally employ a graduated privileges system in which adolescents are initially given tiny amounts of responsibility and freedom (such as caring for a pet, doing domestic duties, or decorating their room).

More privileges are offered to adolescents who handle this role properly over time. Poor judgement or a lack of accountability, on the other hand, results in the loss of privileges. Some parents and their children disagree on practically everything.

The main challenge in these instances is actually control. Adolescents want to feel in control of their lives, while parents want adolescents to understand that they are still in charge. Despite their parents’ best efforts, adolescents whose behaviour is harmful or otherwise inappropriate may require professional assistance.

Substance usage is a common cause of behavioural issues, and substance use disorders necessitate specialised treatment. Behavioural issues can sometimes be a sign of depression or other mental health concerns. Such diseases often necessitate both medication and counselling.

If parents are unable to curb their adolescent’s risky behaviour, they may seek assistance from the court system and be assigned to a probation officer who can assist in enforcing appropriate household rules. Many teens today are troubled and have troubles.

After all, youngsters face a lot of pressure from their peers and families. Poverty, violence, parental problems, and gangs are all sources of stress for certain young people.

Children may be concerned about problems such as religion, gender roles, values, or ethnicity. Some adolescents are having problems dealing with past traumas, such as abuse.

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