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One of the most important decisions in a student’s life is choosing a career. This decision will affect them for the rest of their lives. The essence of who the students are will revolve around what they want to do with their greatest blessings. Everyone is always looking for a legitimate job. Students’ perceptions of their surroundings, for example, students hired on an island may choose a career dealing with water or they may choose to leave the island and never have anything to do with water again.

Parents’ educational and occupational backgrounds may influence students’ career choices because some students may consider continuing in their parents’ occupation or not. What students see on television may also influence their career choice. Some jobs require you to have the personality to match the job’s requirements. For these reasons, the importance of a guidance counselor in schools cannot be overstated.

A career guidance counsellor is required to avoid untrustworthy and dangerous sources of career information, such as culture peer groups, which can unintentionally lead to them graduating into armed robbery and other criminal business. This study, which will be conducted in the Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State, will be useful to guidance counsellors in assisting senior students in their careers, as well as to the ministry of education in curriculum planning to broaden the students’ career choice opportunities through educational system curriculum content.

Tuche (2002) is correct in stating that students in senior secondary schools should consider their career options; however, they will require career guidance. Ipaye (1983) refers to the need to discuss career options with peers, school counselors, parents, and teachers as a “career convention or career conferences.” However, he considers career convention to be a tool for career information. This happens for a variety of reasons, including the following:

a. To stimulate career exploration and broaden occupational horizons.

b. To concentrate attention on specific jobs in order to assist an individual in crystallizing his preferences and

c. To create a situation in which parents can meet with employers and discuss the opportunities they provide, while also meeting with career teachers or career officers with whom they can exchange ideas.

Among the factors that may influence career choice are:

i. Economic and social factors

ii. Personal or family circumstances

iii. Cultural factors such as schools, peer groups, and age groups.


1. What are the possible causes or factors influencing secondary school students’ career choices in Edo State’s Esan North East local government area?

2. How important has this contribution been over the years?

3. To what extent has private sector investment actually influenced secondary school students’ career choices?

4. What is the actual impact of both private and public secondary schools on secondary school students’ career choices?



1. Is there a need for senior secondary school students to learn about career options?

2. Is it beneficial to students if there are reasons for students to pursue a career in reading in schools?

3. How does a student’s career choice affect their academic performance?

4. Is a student’s career choice influenced by their peer group?

5. What are the factors that contribute to a student’s poor career choice?


OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The study’s main goal is to investigate the factors influencing secondary school students’ career choices in Edo State’s Esan North East local government area. It will also investigate to what extent the factors influencing career choice will benefit or harm students.

THE STUDY’S IMPORTANCE The significance of this research work is to determine to what extent the factors influencing choice will influence students’ career choices and attendance performance on the subjects that will lead them successfully towards this occupation as a life time endeavor.

a. It will allow the researcher to make career recommendations to the students.

b. It will allow the researcher to make necessary recommendations to parents regarding their children’s receptivity to advice on their career choice.

c. It will allow the researcher to make recommendations to school administrations.

d. It will allow the researcher to make concrete recommendations to the government about secondary school students’ career choices, which is especially important given the high unemployment rate.

e. The findings will allow the researcher to make recommendations to other researchers on the topic of career prospects.

THE STUDY’S OBJECTIVE The study focuses on factors influencing secondary school students’ career choices in Edo State’s Esan North East Local Government Area.

This study will focus on five randomly selected secondary schools in Edo State’s Esan North East Local Government Area. Four of them are public, while one is private. The following schools were chosen at random.

Igba Grammar School is number one.

Egbele Secondary School is number two.

3. The Efandion Grammar School

Ubiagia Secondary School is number four.

Ukong Mixed Secondary School No. 5

Sixth. luscious aladies

Ewaito Secondary School is number seven on the list.

Okpugie Grammar School is number eight.



CAREER – A chosen course of business activity or enterprise, particularly one’s professional life or employment that provides advancement and honor.

EFFECT – The ability to cause a change in someone or something.

INFLUENCE- The power that someone or something has to influence someone or something in a specific way, such as influencing a parent’s choice of career for their children.

PROSPECT: The likelihood of success in a good job/employment/career prospect.

SCHOOL: A school is a place where children can receive an education. The process of learning in a school; the period of your life during which you attend school.

EXAMINATION – A formal written, spoken, or practical test, usually given in schools or colleges, to determine how much you know about a subject or what you can do to sit for an exam and pass it.

SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: These students range in age from 15 to 18 years old and are enrolled in SSS 1-SSS 3 classes.

GOVERNMENT: The group of people in charge of governing a country or state.



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