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5 Steps to Help Develop Proactivity

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How to Develop Proactivity

If you are someone who needs a little push to take action, know that this problem has time to end. For that, it is necessary to know how to develop proactivity. Companies very well observe this ability. Organizations usually look for professionals who have this profile. That’s because people with this skill are inclined to leadership positions. Being proactive ensures that you take the initiative in the face of problems and resolve challenges practically and quickly before it becomes a snowball.

To learn how to develop proactivity, let’s examine five exciting steps in this article. Yes, you will be able to extract some tip that can turn your attitudes around. For that, it does not take much sacrifice, have a little self-confidence, motivation, focus, and enjoy facing challenges.

How to develop proactivity

Although companies are looking for a professional with this characteristic, it is worth remembering that it is not only useful in the corporate environment. But also in personal or student life. Have you ever thought how frustrating it is to watch things happen without taking action? Or let problems take over in a hopeless way?

Hiding problems doesn’t solve anything. This can often bring several problems to your life, both personal and professional. This only causes the person to become discouraged and not be noticed, causing a frustrated professional. Someone who has no voice within the company he works for or the position he holds. It is worth remembering that this can lead to lost opportunities to grow in your career, for example. Most of the time, this attitude is manifested by the simple fear of anticipating and taking action. These attitudes can be practical and easy to apply in the most varied moments.

Therefore, to be proactive, it is first necessary to have an attitude and to anticipate problems. But for many people, this is not a very easy skill to develop. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the steps and work on what is lacking in your skills. 

What it means to be proactive

A proactive person is one who makes decisions responsibly, is not afraid to expose himself or assumes the consequences of error when it occurs. This is also a highly requested skill for anyone who wants to pursue a leadership or management position.

It is also worth remembering that developing proactivity is a fundamental skill for students to excel in their studies. Generally, the one who has a good development of this skill is well noticed and can reach places where those who are unmotivated cannot. Therefore, proactivity is one of the main fundamentals of good professionals and is responsible for their personal lives. And we say to you, it can help you in a job interview or even to improve your career.

Some steps to develop proactivity

It is not always very easy for a person to have enough self-knowledge to realize that there is a lack of proactivity in their general attitudes. This does not apply only in professional life.

Here are some steps that can help you strengthen that side and find out whether you possess proactivity, try to discover a potential that was unknown to you until then.

1. Develop an attitude

For those who want to be more proactive, this is a key issue. Taking action is the starting point to demonstrate whether the person is proactive or not. But know that you need to be cautious with this skill, because, many times, the person can put the carriage in front of the oxen and thus make a grave mistake.

Having an attitude does not mean acting in advance just for acting. To make an assertive decision, it takes a lot of analysis of the conditions and the context that things are going. For that, you must be sure and quite aware of the real situation that needs action.

However, it is essential to use another skill along with this, which is reflection. Thinking before you act is critical when making a successful decision. So, practice and study this ability a lot to succeed in all segments of your life.

2. Set priorities

If most people had the mindset to measure the time they spend on unproductive tasks, or if they also evaluated the amount of energy they invest in projects that do not add any real value to their training, career, or professional life, they would certainly be amazed. Therefore, it is important to decide what should be a priority or peripheral. This is the essential tool for making the right decision in the different segments in which he is fixed.

To develop this quality, it is essential to have a sharp critical sense and self-knowledge. Having this will make it possible to understand how the workflow and studies are doing and understand what is irrelevant, which can be eliminated from daily activities or redirected to smaller fragments of time. This will certainly save time.

When defining what a priority is, learn to delegate tasks, and plan a roadmap that makes your life more productive.

3. Constant search for efficiency

The proactive profile is one in which the person finds the solution efficiently, without collateral damage. To develop this quality, it is essential to create an action plan, study, and evaluate the context in which things are going. For that, ahead of what is necessary and possible, this will make time to solve problems that are not yet in the scope of being solved.

For the most difficult problems, be sure to study and focus on what is pending; one hour, the solution will come. It is also important to plan if it is necessary to relocate personnel, time, material, among others, and never stop talking to others for help and constantly evaluate which procedures work and eliminate those that are expendable.

4. Anticipate problems

This is a very interesting skill to be developed. A good manager is never taken by surprise, because in most cases, he already expected that a certain action would generate a consequence. To develop this quality, it takes a lot of study and planning. Invest your time in courses in the area where you pursue a career or study.

By anticipating problems, you will have the power of action. You will be able to create efficient solutions, minimizing the possible impacts that the problem that is to come will cause. Therefore, if something goes wrong and you are prepared, you will think of an alternative plan to work around the problem.

5. Think creatively

The solutions are often not evident, and to solve problems that are not predictable, creativity can be a great tool. It is worth remembering that creating is not a very easy task, as it involves a series of cognitive issues. To develop creativity better, it is necessary to look for alternative ways to see things. For that, it may be interesting to call on more experienced professionals or from other areas, or even invest in courses and studies, which can provide you with insights in a way that instigates you to sharpen creative thinking.

A great ally for this issue can be art itself, studying the different segments that cross this category, and learning more from the artists. By studying more about the various manifestations of art and instigating creativity, it will do you a lot of good, making some problems even forgotten.


Through proactivity, the person ceases to be supporting and takes the role of the protagonist, which is usually well regarded by companies. Therefore, developing proactivity can make you a better person and a standout professional. Someone who takes action responsibly and efficiently, without the risk of letting problems accumulate so that a situation is irreversible. Now that you know about some steps that help develop proactivity, the rest is up to you.

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