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This study looked at the effects of diet and appropriate rest on cognitive behavior in elementary school students. The study’s entire population is 200 staff members from Uyo’s selected primary schools. The researcher collected data using questionnaires as the instrument.

This study used a descriptive survey research approach. The survey included 133 respondents, including headmasters, teachers, senior staff, and junior personnel. The acquired data was organized into tables and evaluated using simple percentages and frequencies.

chapter One


1.1 The Study’s Background

Feeding is a crucial event in the lives of infants and young children. It is the focus of parents’ and other caregivers’ attention, as well as a source of social connection through vocal and nonverbal communication. Eating provides not just nourishment but also an opportunity for learning. It has an impact not only on children’s physical development and health, but also on their mental and emotional development.

Culture, health situation, and temperament all have an impact on the feeding relationship. Cognitive and emotional dysfunctions are becoming more prevalent in our culture. The precise variables and underlying mechanisms that cause these illnesses have yet to be identified. Aside from our genetic make-up, the interaction between certain environmental difficulties that occur throughout well-defined developmental stages appears to play a crucial influence.

Surprisingly, such brain dysfunction frequently co-occurs with metabolic diseases (e.g., obesity) and/or bad dietary habits; obesity and poor diet can contribute to significant health consequences such as cognitive and mood dysfunctions, implying a strong connection between these aspects. Obesity is a worldwide problem, with around 38% of adults and 18% of children and adolescents categorized as overweight or obese.

Even in the absence of obesity, poor diet is frequent, with many people eating foods that are highly processed and deficient in critical polyphenols and anti-oxidants, or meals that contain much below the required quantities of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). In this review, we will look at the extent to which diet influences mood and cognition at different periods of life, as well as the mechanisms involved, with a focus on microglial activation, glucocorticoids, and endocannabinoids (eCBs).

Cognition is a complicated set of higher mental activities that the brain serves, and it includes attention, memory, thinking, learning, and perception (Bhatnagar and Taneja, 2001). Preschool cognitive development predicts subsequent school accomplishment (Tramontana et al., 1988; Clark et al., 2010; Engle, 2010). According to Ross and Mirowsky (1999), “schooling builds human capital – skills, capacities, and resources that shape health and well-being.”

Indeed, more education has been associated to better jobs, higher income, higher socioeconomic position, better health care access and housing, a healthier lifestyle, diet, and physical exercise (Florence et al., 2008). Education boosts a person’s sense of personal control and self-esteem, both of which have been linked to better health behavior (Ross and Mirowsky, 1999; Logi Kristjánsson et al., 2010). Academic attainment is vital for future personal health and is hence a major public health problem.

Statement of the problem

Mild and transient feeding issues affect 25% to 35% of young children, but severe and persistent feeding problems affect 1% to 2%. Overeating, poor eating, feeding behavior issues, and strange or unhealthy food choices are all common conditions. Although medical diseases and poor food selection can cause eating issues, these conditions are frequently related with early issues in parent-child feeding interactions.

Self-regulation, attachment, temperament, and autonomous development issues can all play a role. Poor attachment can be caused by the caregiver’s substance addiction or mental illness, the child’s developmental delay or a medical issue, and parent-child personality/temperament clash.

The study’s objective

The study’s aims are as follows:

Determine the association between nutrition and cognitive behavior in elementary school students.
To determine whether diet has an effect on primary school students’ academic performance.
To investigate the psychological impact of nutrition on primary school students’ cognitive behavior.
Hypotheses for research

The following items have been proposed for testing:

H0: There is no link between nutrition and cognitive behavior in primary school students.

H1: There is a link between diet and cognitive behavior in primary school students.

H0: Nutrition has no effect on elementary school students’ academic performance.

H1: Nutrition can have an impact on elementary school students’ academic performance.


The study’s importance

The study will be extremely beneficial to students, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and parents. The study will provide a comprehensive picture of the effect of nutrition and proper rest on cognitive behavior in students. The study will also be used as a resource for other academics who will be working on a similar topic.

The study’s scope and limitations

The study’s scope includes the effect of nutrition and appropriate rest on cognitive behavior in primary school students. The researcher comes upon a constraint that limits the scope of the investigation;

a) RESEARCH MATERIAL AVAILABILITY: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.
b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Nutrition is the science of interpreting nutrients and other elements in food in connection to an organism’s maintenance, development, reproduction, health, and disease. Food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism, and excretion are all included.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychosocial intervention that tries to enhance mental health. CBT emphasizes on questioning and modifying unhelpful cognitive distortions and habits, enhancing emotional control, and developing individualized coping skills for problem solving.


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