Soap Manufacturer Business Plan – Project Topics for Student
Executive Summary
SAFEassure, LLC has designed a new product that provides managers with a quick, easy, and affordable method to effectively monitor employee handwashing. Proper handwashing is the most effective preventative measure available to combat communicable diseases.
Improper hand washing contributes to more than 130,000 deaths in the U.S. each year through the transfer of communicable diseases in restaurants, day cares and hospitals (more than AIDS and breast cancer combined). Studies have shown that proper hand washing procedures in these environments could cut down the spread of disease by up to 75%.
The greatest contributing factor to this problem stems from the inability of supervisors to monitor and control employee hand washing. Existing products offer no effective or affordable solutions for enforcing and ensuring hand washing compliance. Treatment of preventable diseases costs Americans over $95 Billion in direct costs each year. (
SAFEassure, LLC is the first producer that answers this problem and provides indisputable proof every time a person washes his or her hands. After washing occurs, the unique dye in our soap remains on the hands and fades to the skin’s natural color in under six minutes.
This would allow supervisors to conclusively verify at a glance whether hand washing has taken place. No other product on the market offers such a high level of assurance of sanitation compliance. The product is safe and meets all current FDA regulatory requirements for soap.
The Market
Although restaurants and hospitals have tremendous market need for a product such as ours, day cares represent the best opportunity for our initial target market. Day cares are an ideal market because they have a vested interest in reducing disease transfer amongst children, and have adamant support from their clients [parents] to create as clean an environment as possible.
As stated by Family Practice News, “Most day care centers are sophisticated little germ factories, exchanging bacteria and viruses with the shake of a hand or the sharing of a toy. And many of those nasty bugs travel home where they can infect the rest of the family.”
The Company
SAFEassure, LLC boasts a strong founding team and experienced board of advisors. Our primary advisor, Jack Soap, brings twenty years of industry experience and networked relationships to accelerate market penetration of the product line.
SAFEassure, LLC will outsource the production of its soaps to an existing soap manufacturer. The executive team will first target the Portland Metro area and eventually the greater Northwest using direct sales and existing distributor channels to penetrate the market. Initial capital will be used to test, patent, approve, produce, and market SAFEassure, as well as provide working capital for the first year.
SAFEassure, LLC will follow three concise strategies to achieve our desired growth:
Exploit first-mover advantage in a highly fragmented market with a unique and differentiated product. Develop a strong branding campaign to build awareness, positive perception and sales of our products within our target markets. Continue to develop new products to satisfy an ever growing set of markets.
Based on detailed financial projections, SAFEassure, LLC will require $250,000 in start-up capital, but will generate positive cash flow in October, Year 1. By the end of Year 3 the company will be generating $850,000 in sales with sizeable net profit. SAFEassure, LLC offers investors a company with substantial growth potential, cushioned by revenue generating stability.
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Our mission is to create value for customers and shareholders by continually improving health and reducing preventable illnesses through the use of our soap.
Keys to Success A first-mover branding campaign to build awareness of SAFE assure’s products as the standard for ensuring hand washing compliance. Patent protection to defend our time-sensitive dye and product concept from competitors.
Complementary relationships with organizations interested in increasing hand washing compliance. Objectives Develop a complete prototype which meets regulatory standards by February of Year 1.Become the specialty soap of choice for day cares across the Northwest by December Year 2.Achieve sales of $5 million by the end of Year 6.

Soap Manufacturer Business Plan – Project Topics for Student
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