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The pandemic of violence against women must be eradicated entirely for it to cease to exist. There are several forms of violence against women, each of which may have physical, psychological, and even sexual consequences. According to CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere), sexual violence against women is one of the most oppressive forms of gender inequality, as well as one of the most pervasive and least recognised abuses of human rights in the world. [Bibliography required] [Bibliography required] Although sexual assault may occur in both sexes, it is commonly thought that women are more likely to be assaulted. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the phrase “sexual violence” refers to any coercive sexual act, effort to acquire a sexual act, unwelcome sexual remarks or advances, or acts of trafficking against a person’s sexuality. This may occur in any location, including the victim’s house or place of work. Sexual violence may be described in its most fundamental form as any sexual act performed against the victim’s will and without their consent. It is normal for sexual violence, such as sexual harassment, to occur in ostensibly’safe’ contexts, such as places of worship (churches and mosques), schools, and workplaces; perpetrators may be pastors or imams, coworkers, or even instructors. Even though sexual assault is a severe crime that should never be regarded lightly, the frequency with which it is avoided in discourse is surprising.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, sexual assault and gender-based violence (GBV) are pervasive and common behaviors. According to the Gender Equality Index Report, which includes information on employment, empowerment, and reproductive health, 27 of the 30 countries with uneven gender indices are in Africa. In addition, the study contains information on employment, empowerment, and reproductive health. This has resulted in a certain occurrence of sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) in Nigeria, which is a product of African cultural beliefs and practices that reinforce men’s sexual supremacy over women. There are not many things that unite Nigerians as much as the many stories of sexual assault that are anchored in tradition, pervasive in a range of tribes and cultures, and nearly entirely perpetrated against women. A country has a prevalent culture of rape, which is reinforced by cultural views that affirm the supremacy and authority of men. This culture demonstrates the extent to which the society is regressive. According to research performed in Nigeria, the prevalence of sexual intimate partner assault is between 20 and 31 percent. Estimating the frequency of sexual violence is especially difficult since various data sources use different definitions of sexual violence and the vast majority of sexual assaults are not reported. According to a poll, just 22.9% of respondents who had been raped reported the crime to the police. This data was obtained from a research done in Nigeria. The reasons behind this are not surprising, given that the majority of people fear not being believed, social isolation, and being blamed; but, how can we blame one person’s suffering for another’s happiness? Additionally, we observe that the majority of rapists are known to the victim, and some may even be family members. In addition, it is common knowledge that the vast majority of Nigerian households would lie about the incident in order to “preserve the family’s reputation at all costs,” leaving the victim to bear the burden alone. According to Amnesty International, Nigerian police forces have engaged in rape and other forms of sexual abuse against women, either in public spaces or when they went to file a complaint. This data is derived from the accounts of women who have been victims of these crimes.

Nigeria is a sovereign country located in West Africa. It shares western borders with Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Benin, and eastern borders with Cameroon, Niger, and Benin. Nigeria is a multicultural state with over 250 separate ethnic groups and 500 distinct languages, all of which identify with a wide range of cultural traditions. Nigeria is categorised as a Sub-Saharan country because it lacks the resources required to fulfill the basic needs of the vast majority of its population.

According to the results of the 2014 National Survey on Abuse Against Minors in Nigeria, one out of every four Nigerian women experienced sexual violence as a kid. It may seem that the higher divorce rate has put children in danger, but it has also made it easier for them and their moms to escape the most abusive and intolerable family circumstances. There is an urgent need to strengthen and enhance current family structures.

Most traditional traditions, which believe in the subordination of women and the assumption that women are “family property,” may be seen as a significant factor in the increase of sexual violence against women. This is one of the key causes for the significant growth. Culture has a crucial influence in defining how certain groups of people and civilizations see sexual acts and whether they constitute sexual violence. It is logical to assume that sexual assault would be more prevalent in civilizations that encourage the objectification of women and therefore see women as having a lower social position than men.

The following things comprise the specific objectives:

This article will discuss the present condition of sexual assault against women in Nigeria.
Examine the consequences that sexual assault has had on Nigeria’s victims.
Determine whether any actions have been done to reduce and eventually abolish sexual violence against women in Nigeria, and submit your results.
Provide some responses to the issues and questions generated by the topic of sexual assault on women in Nigeria.

During the course of the study, the following questions were posed:

What is the current status of sexual assaults on women in Nigeria?
What kind of long-term consequences does sexual assault have on its victims in Nigeria?
Does the Nigerian government have any measures in place to combat the increasing prevalence of sexual attacks on Nigerian women?
How can the issue and problem of sexual violence against Nigerian women be remedied, and what are the potential solutions?


The relevance of this study derives from its objective, which is to analyze the increase in sexual attacks on women in Nigeria. It will also help policymakers in Nigeria understand the extent to which violence against women is becoming more unacceptable and how society encourages it, so enabling them to understand how to stop it and prevent it from occurring in the future. Future researchers would also benefit from the study, since it would provide them with material that may be beneficial for their own research, as well as the chance that some of their questions may be answered by the results of this study. This study is significant to society since it will increase people’s levels of awareness.



This research examines the frequency of sexual assaults against women in Nigeria. the nation of Nigeria. In addition, it examines the extent to which the problem of sexual assault against women in Nigeria has persisted and the steps taken to tackle the problem.





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