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Promotion is one of the elements of marketing strategy, which also includes price, product, and location. The marketing strategy exercise will fail if the target public is not adequately communicated or does not have good knowledge about the product/service. Organization firms must use the promotion to convey or create awareness about their product to the target audience.

Promotion, on the other hand, is a popular variable through which an organization/firm conveys or sends a message about their company and products or services to consumers, suppliers, dealers, and so on.

The primary goal of marketing communication is to project a positive image of an organization and its product in front of its relevant publics in order to facilitate acceptance and patronage.

Kernal et al. (1968) discovered that communication fosters commonality in relationships between organizations and their largest publics to the extent that they share information, ideas, thoughts, or attitudes. Typically, communication is intended to increase store traffic, purchase, usage, and stock level, as well as brand switching and stock piling.

The term “communication” comes from the Latin word “communis,” which means “common.” As a result, communication can be defined as the process of establishing commonality or oneness of thought between a sender and a receiver. The preceding definition emphasizes two key concepts.

One communication is a process with elements and interdependence that can be modeled and examined in a structured manner.

Secondary, if true communication is to occur, oneness of thought must be developed between the sender and receiver, which implies that a sharing relationship must exist between the sender and receiver.

It is common to regard the sender as the active member of the relationship and the receiver as the passive member. For example, a person (the sender) conversing with a daydreaming friend (the intended receiver). It must appear that no thought is being shared, implying that there is no communication between them. The lack of communication in this case is due to the passivity of one of the intended receivers.

Despite the fact that sound waves are bouncing off his or her eardrums, he or she is not actively receiving and sharing thought. A human receiver is analogous to a television set, which is constantly bombarded by television (electro magnet) waves from various situations.

However. It will only receive the station to which the channel selector is set. Human receivers are similarly bombarded with stimuli from various visions; however, a person chooses one source tune to act on.

According to Engel et al. (1983), promotion is a controlled integrated program of communication methods and material designed to present a company and its products to prospective customers, communicate need satisfying attributes of the product to facilitate sales volume, and thus contribute to long run profileable performance.

Consumers can purchase a product or service if they are aware of its existence, quality, price, and availability. However, they can learn about these through communication elements. As identified by Kotler (1988), they are as follows.

1. Promotional materials

2. Individual selling

3. Communication with the public

4. Promotion of sales

5. Promotional materials

Recently, Kotler and Keller (2009) proposed a new idea that marketing communication is comprised of eight major modes of communication, which are

Sales promotion through advertising
Events and encounters
Publicity and public relations
Marketing by direct contact
Marketing that is interactive
Personal selling and word-of-mouth marketing
The primary goal of marketing communication is to encourage people to take positive action such as placing orders, making inquiries, and purchasing.

Depending on the company under consideration, the emphasis will be solely on these communications, also known as promotional tools. These forms of communication include. Personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion However, other promotional tools will be discussed in this study. PROFILE OF THE COMPANY IN CASE STUDY.

Northern Bag Manufacturing Company Limited (Kano) was purchased from Danakar Industries on December 3, 1990 by Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Co.

It began grain sack production in March 1991, with an installed capacity of 1.5 million sacks per month.

Bagco’s management approved a major expansion program in 2004, which resulted in the acquisition of additional plots of land, the construction of three new factory bays, and the complete replacement of existing machinery and generators.

Since then, additional equipment has been installed, increasing the factory’s capacity to 10 million sacks per month, including various industrial sacks and jumbo bags (1 to 2 ton carrying capacity).

The expansion project was completed in order to increase installed capacity from 9 to 10 million sacks per month.


The issue is that in today’s society, there are some competitors who produce bags that are similar to the ones produced by Northern Bag and also at a very low cost. The bags they produce also go into advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, and other promotional tools to create awareness and stimulate interest in their prospective customers.

Another issue is that most Nigerians do not use marketing communication to increase the volume of their sales in the manufacturing industry. Nigerian made goods also lack recognition; many people do not believe that made in Nigerian goods are what they are, and many people find it difficult to trust the quality of made in Nigerian products and services. Marketers also provide false information about the goods and services at their disposal.

Customers complain that Nigerian goods do not always work as advertised by the manufacturers. Also, many imitations are on the market and are sold at a lower price, affecting the original goods. Even when marketing communication is used effectively, the volume of sales will be very low.


The study’s goal is to determine the impact of effective marketing communication on a manufacturing company. The major goals of this research project are summarized in the points listed below.

To ascertain the effect of effective marketing communication on a manufacturing firm.
To determine how marketing communication affects the distribution channel of a bag manufacturing company in the north.
To understand the role of marketing communication in the sales volume of a bag manufacturing company in the north.
To investigate how a product can be used as a tool for marketing communication.


1. Does marketing communication help the Northern Bag Manufacturing Company achieve its sales volume?

2. Is there a link between marketing communication and the sales volume of the Northern Bag Manufacturing Company?

3. Does marketing communication influence customer purchasing behavior?

4. Does marketing communication help to increase potential customers and connect with existing customers?



In this Research Project, two types of hypotheses were used:

They are used below as null (Ho) and alternative (Hi).

1 Ho: Marketing communication does not help the Northern Bag Manufacturing Company achieve its sales volume.

Hello: Marketing communication aids in the achievement of Northern Bag Manufacturing Company’s sales volume.

2 Ho: There is no correlation between marketing communication and increased sales volume.

Hi: Marketing communication and increased sales volume have a relationship.

3 Ho: Marketing communication does not influence consumer behavior.

Hi: Marketing communication can influence consumer purchasing behavior.



The following are examples of the research work’s relevance.

a. As a student, it is required for the award of ——please fill in the blank—-in marketing from the school of ——please fill in the blank—-. It also serves as a means of categorizing my marketing knowledge.

b. It assists manufacturers in discovering various effective methods of directing their products to potential customers, thereby increasing sales volume of their products.

c. Future researchers: It will be useful to future researchers who wish to conduct research on the issues under consideration.


The terms defined below are as follows:

Marketing communication is a collection of promotional efforts and strategies devised by marketing executives to attract customers and pique their interest.

Sales promotion is a short-term promotional tactic that provides an incentive to buy rather than producing a long-term effect.

Sales volume: The quantity of a product’s sales over a specific time period, usually one fiscal year.

Consumer: A person who purchases or uses the product or services offered for sale by the producer.

Consumer behavior refers to the decision-making and physical activity that people engage in when evaluating, purchasing, using, or disposing of goods and services.

Industry: The total number of firms/companies that produce specific goods and services with close substitutes.

Promotion is the act of communicating information between a seller and a potential buyer or another person in the channel in order to influence their attitude and behavior.

Marketing is the performance of a set of systematically coordinated activities or functions aimed at identifying and satisfying needs/wants for a profit through the exchange process.

Marketing mix: These are the variables that the company can control in order to influence the target market. They consist of the four Ps of marketing: product, price, promotion, and place.

Product: A company’s need-satisfying offering.

Advertising: Any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by a known sponsor.

Personal selling is a type of marketing promotion that involves the face-to-face or person-to-person presentation of sales representatives or an intermediary to the target market.

Direct marketing is the use of mail, phone, fax, e-mail, or the internet to communicate directly with or solicit responses from specific customers and prospects.

Interactive marketing refers to online activities and programs that are designed to engage customers or prospects and raise awareness, improve image, or encourage sales of products and services.

The power of word-of-mouth Marketing is concerned with person-to-person, written or electronic communications relating to the benefits or experiences of purchasing or using a product or service.



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