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The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of the environment on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Lagos State’s Agege Education District (LED). Out of a total population of twenty (20) secondary schools, five are used.

Two research hypotheses are proposed, focusing on the country’s and parents’ socioeconomic status, children’s academic performance, and parental education, interest, motivation, and encouragement. One hundred fifty (150) students are sampled at random from the five secondary schools, representing more than ten percent (10%) of a set.

The study’s instrument is a questionnaire created by the researcher and validated by the researcher’s supervisor. The researcher visits the schools and distributes the questionnaires to

the students requesting and receiving permission from the principals of the schools to be used The necessary data is collected after the researcher has explained and instructed the students on how to complete the questionnaires. T

he statistical processes used in data analysis include frequently distribution, simple percentage, and the T-test. The investigation revealed that there is a high correlation between parental and/or country socio-economic status and the academic performance of the learners at the end of the study.

It was also discovered that parental education, attitude, interest, encouragement, and motivation have an impact on students’ academic performance. As a result of his findings, the researcher makes recommendations to parents, teachers, and the government.





The word education comes from the Latin word educare, which means “to draw out.” As a result, education can be simply defined as “the process of bringing out and developing an individual’s potentialities.”

To put it another way, education is a systematic process in which an individual is exposed to and given the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that develop cumulatively in order to: Prepare him well to enable him to satisfactorily integrate effectively in society; Enhance his Pursuit of a career; and Sharpen his quest for continuous learning.

Statement of the Problem

The country was beset by a slew of issues, many of which had a negative impact on education. A number of these had manifested themselves in the students’ academic performance. Because of their low socioeconomic status, many families, for example, find it extremely difficult to feed well.

Breadwinners in some families were laid off indiscriminately, contributing to the country’s high unemployment rate, making it difficult for many to provide for their children’s or wards’ educational needs.

The academic background of parents would have a significant impact on the performance of students both in and out of school. The sociopolitical status of the parent was also a factor.

In both school and at home, there is a lack of teaching and learning aids

The learner’s academic performance was jeopardized by his or her absence from home. A lack of chalk and chalkboards in the classroom, as well as a lack of textbooks, tables, and desks for writing, as well as a leaking roof, had caused both teachers and students to lose interest in teaching and learning.

The type of school attended will also have an impact on students’ academic performance, either positively or negatively. Children who attended urban schools outperformed those who attended rural schools. This is because the availability of materials and a properly equipped teacher determined the quality of learners produced.

Private schools are designed to thrive despite the exorbitant fees they charge parents. Private schools are not for everyone, including Dick, Tom, and Harry, but only for those who can afford cutting-edge equipment and learning aids for their children’s education.

In the public schools, on the other hand, teachers were not even committed to the teaching profession.

Another blight on student academic performance was the abolition of external academic programs such as excursions, literacy, and debate competitions on a variety of topics or subjects that should pose challenges to students’ growth and development.

Despite all of the problems that the children of lower-income parents face, some of these children outperform their upper-class counterparts academically. As such, the purpose of this study is to assess the socioeconomic status, occupation of parents, and attitude toward secondary students’ academic performance students at a school



The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between children’s academic performance in public secondary schools and their parents’ socioeconomic constraints; and to determine the causes of the current socioeconomic constraints.

Identifying measures that can eliminate or reduce the negative effects these factors have on learners’ academic performance.

To investigate the impact of parental occupation on children’s academic performance.

To evaluate the impact of the child’s family environment on his or her academic performance.

To assess the extent of parental educational level and the role it plays in the child’s academic performance.



Will the socioeconomic status of a student’s parents affect his or her academic performance in secondary school?

Will the child’s academic performance be influenced by the parent’s occupation, attitude toward education, and encouragement?

Is the leaner’s family environment important academic achievement in a public secondary school?

After investigating the foregoing, this study will make some recommendations for closing the educational gap between children from the upper and lower classes.



The following suggestions were made in order to subject the collected data to more complex analysis.

1. There is no significant relationship between parental socioeconomic status and academic performance of students.

2. There is no link between the child’s environment and his or her academic performance.

3. There is no statistically significant relationship between parental interest and motivation and a child’s academic performance.



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The study will be important to many people, including the government, parents, teachers, the community or society, as well as students and educational planners, administrators, and policymakers, and so forth.

It will be useful for teachers and school principals to understand the areas where students require more attention as well as the causes of their poor performance. This will then provide them with numerous opportunities to assist students in excelling despite socioeconomic constraints.

This study will be useful to the government because it reveals the effects of a lack of funds and socioeconomic constraints on education, as well as the fact that its survival requires immediate funding. And unless these issues are identified and addressed decisively, the nation will suffer as a result, as the majority of the population will be illiterate.

The study will be extremely beneficial to the students because it will expose their problems to them, allowing them to solve them

can make the necessary changes and thus aspire to excel in their academic pursuit It will be easier for them to make changes if they are aware of their problems rather than a teacher attempting to identify the problems for them.

The study will be useful to policymakers because it will allow them to improve workers’ socioeconomic status and thus their living standard.

The Study’s Scope and Limitations

In terms of focus, the study’s scope has to do with (or is limited to) the relationship between the child’s environment and academic performance.

The study was limited to Lagos State’s Local Education District 1. It was only available in public secondary schools. It does not entail the primary and secondary schools Regardless, primary schools remain the foundation upon which a child’s educational pursuit is built.

It is the first step toward admission to secondary school, where he will strive for a successful future in order to continue on to the tertiary level.



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