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The purpose of this study was to evaluate training as a technique of enhancing the human resources of the public complaints commission. 200 staff members of the public complaints commission are the overall population for the study. For data gathering purposes, the researcher utilized questionnaires. Descriptive This study utilized a survey research methodology. The study utilized a total of 133 respondents, including directors, administrative personnel, senior personnel, and junior personnel. The gathered information was tabulated and examined using simple percentages and frequencies.


First chapter


The study’s background
Both people and material resources comprise an organization. Human resources are in a position to manipulate material resources in order to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. As it is known in the legal profession, “nemo dat quod non habat,” which translates to “what you don’t have, you can’t offer.” The work atmosphere is volatile! as the contemporary world is rapidly evolving. The growth and evolution of technology are rapid. Because typewriters cannot withstand the test of time, secretaries who have been trained on manual typewriters must familiarize themselves with the computer.

In order to expedite corporate transactions, business managers must be Internet-savvy. The top desk officers (customer service center) require an update on how to interact with clients (customer relation) Managers of advertising and marketing must be current on the most effective ways to appeal to consumers’ brains. with the use of contemporary devices and tools! As security agents should also “know the use of gadgets and electronic appliances to combat the present-day security threat that cannot be handled by physical (man) police, all of these and many more witness to the importance of training and manpower development to the success of an organization.

Organizations are facing increased competition as a result of globalization, changes in technology, political, and economic environments (Evans, Pucik, and Barsoux, 2002, p. 32), prompting them to train their employees as one of the means of preparing them to adapt to the aforementioned increases and thereby improve their performance. It is crucial not to disregard the prevalent information on the increase of knowledge in the corporate business world during the past decade. This expansion has been brought about not only by technological advancements or a combination of production factors, but also by greater efforts to enhance the human resources of the business. Consequently, it is the obligation of every corporation to improve the job performance of its employees, and adoption of training and development is unquestionably one of the most important measures that the vast majority of businesses must take to achieve this objective. As it is obvious that employees are a vital resource, it is essential to maximize their contribution to the company’s aims and objectives in order to maintain effective performance. This necessitates that managers provide a sufficient supply of personnel who are technically and socially competent and capable of advancement into specialized departments or management roles (Afshan, Sobia, Kamran & Nasir 2012, 646).

As the most rapidly expanding aspect of personnel activities, training is a vital aspect of human resource management. Training, which is referred to as a course of nutrition and exercise for strengthening the employees’ affective, cognitive, and psychomotor skills, provides firms with a significant approach for enhancing the productivity of their personnel. Some businesses go above and beyond building their own schools for training and retraining their employees at no cost to the trainee. The primary objective of training and development programmes in service companies is to boost employee productivity. Productivity is the end result of training and development as well as a measurement of the output of a given input. Managers play a crucial part in the achievement of the service organization’s objectives; hence, they must be continuously exposed to regular training programmes to enable them to adapt to the technologically advanced business world.

Statement of the study

In a great number of businesses, training has been acknowledged as the primary factor in enhancing productivity. However, personnel training in the public sector is threatened by a number of issues, including a lack of regular training, despite reforms that continue to place a priority on training (Okotoni & Erero, 2005). This is due to the fact that the numerous public sector reforms have not deemed it necessary to implement specific and continuous training programs that will boost staff productivity. This suggests that even when a training need is identified and sufficient money and time are allocated to meet it, the training exercise may not be sufficient to bridge the productivity gap. Occasionally, the design, implementation, and participation of training exercises are haphazard or uneven. Occasionally, training is based on an inaccurate assessment of training requirements.

In some circumstances, public sector management does not acknowledge personnel who have engaged in training programs to obtain additional skills and knowledge. As a means of rewarding their efforts, such recognition may take the shape of a raise in compensation, a promotion, or other perks. Sometimes, where training has taken place, management may be unwilling to move trained personnel to other departments where they are relevant. In addition, employment expansion is occasionally carried out without regard for the staff’s skills and talents, which can result in low morale and frustration among employees who wish to receive additional training. The aforementioned attitude of management towards workforce development can result in a progressive decline in the ability of employees to meet the difficulties posed by social, economic, and technological transformations.

Employees in the majority of public sector enterprises are rarely sent for training, and those who have expressed a desire to participate in training may not receive any support, such as paid study leave, to sustain the course. Before employees are sent for training, often the relevance of the training course to the requirements of the current job and future postings is not examined. Even when employees participate in skill-development programs, management does not always supply the required equipment to improve operations. As a result, these employees may find it difficult to adapt to the ever-changing technology advances and may become redundant. Public complaints commission will be utilized in the study


Objectives of the study

The study has the following objectives:

Determine the kind of training programs available to workers of the Abuja Public Complaints Commission
To determine the influence of training and development programs on the performance of employees at the public complaint commission. Abuja
To Suggest Solutions to the Problems of Training Personnel in the Public Complaints Commission, Abuja

Research hypothesis

Following propositions have been proposed for testing:

Employees at the Public Complaint Commission in Abuja have no access to training programs.

H1: Employees of the Public Complaint Commission in Abuja have access to a variety of training programs

There are no answers to the difficulties of manpower training at the Public Complaints Commission in Abuja.

H2: There are solutions to the difficulties of manpower training at the Abuja Public Complaints Commission

The study’s significance

Efficiency and effectiveness are the most important factors of employee performance in any organization, and this cannot be attained without acknowledging the importance of manpower training in achieving organizational success. This study is vital for determining the significance and effect of manpower training on the productivity of public complaints commission personnel. This study would be valuable to researchers and practitioners who seek to do research on manpower training in the reviewed local government and in Nigeria in general.

The study’s scope and restrictions

The scope of the study encompasses an evaluation of training as a method of human resource development inside the public complaints commission. The researcher encounters a number of limitations that restrict the study’s scope, including:

The accessible research materials are inadequate, consequently limiting the scope of the study.

Due to the researcher’s need to combine the study with other academic obligations and examinations, the time allotted for the research does not allow for a more comprehensive evaluation.

Inadequate funds have a tendency to hamper the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant resources, literature, and information, as well as in the process of data collecting (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Definitions of phrases

Training is a type of activity that is planned, methodical, and results in an increased level of skills, knowledge, and competencies required to execute work efficiently (Gordon 1992).

This is a comprehensive, continuing, multifaceted set of actions (including training activities) aimed at moving someone or an organization to a higher level of performance, typically to execute a new job or role in the future (McNamara 2008).

Manpower is the sum of all workers available or engaged for a certain job or task (Business Dictionary)

Planning is the process of putting together a plan for a specific course of action (Financial Dictionary)





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