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The importance of discipline in relation to classroom control and management in the secondary school teaching learning process cannot be overstated. The most important key to effective and efficient classroom control and management in the teaching and learning process is school discipline. An introduction to the concept of discipline in relation to this research topic is required to provide the reader with context on which to base his/her own conclusion.

Turner (2004) considers discipline to be one of the most contentious issues in education. It is an area of interest that is closely involved with many parents and teachers who feel the need to refine school values to account for changes in the social environment but are not always sure how to go about it.

Summer Hill (2002) defined discipline in the teaching/learning process as “near total freedom to youngsters to find their own philosophy of behavior and relief or would it be wiser to seek to pressure some or all of the traditional standards as an essential bulwark against the risk of social disruption.” According to Banjo (2000), discipline is the law in a good school because school life cannot function without it.

Adeyemo (2005) defined discipline as the teacher’s control of the children in the context of school life. According to Bicker (2006), discipline is the highest level of control and is self-imposed by the students rather than imposed from without by the teacher.

According to Feiret (2004), discipline is measured by the extent to which children exercise self-control and willingly apply themselves to the tasks assigned to them by their teacher. In a nutshell, school discipline is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, obedience, and the ability to cooperate in learning. As a result, school discipline entails self-control and a willingness to accept the order, rules, and regulations that govern the teaching/learning process.


Classroom control and management is the effective and efficient coordination of three variables, namely the teacher, the students, and the teaching resources, in order to improve the teaching/learning process in secondary schools. As a result, classroom control and management are important issues for school administrators, parents, and society as a whole.

However, the main problems of this research work are to investigate the factors affecting discipline, which is the primary factor affecting classroom control and management in the secondary school teaching/learning process.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of discipline in relation to classroom control and management in the secondary school teaching/learning process. The following fundamental assumptions will be tested for the purposes of the study.

It is widely assumed that some secondary school teachers lack in-depth knowledge of classroom control and management compared to their counterparts in primary school. Finally, some teachers lack classroom control and management skills during the teaching and learning process.


The following researchable questions will be tested based on the above assumption:

1. What are the roles of discipline in classroom management and control?

2. What is the management in the secondary school teaching and learning process?

3. What is the effectiveness of good classroom management?


As many authors define discipline as self-control and willingness to accept order, one must agree with them that if children or students are allowed to do whatever they want, peace and order in the school would be completely ruled out. For example, in Economics, Geography, Mathematics, English Language, History, and Psychology, students must be disciplined in order to learn effectively.

Discipline is important because it involves all of the subjects on the school schedule as well as the students, teachers and parents, communities, education officers, and policymakers in one way or another. For example, the students attending school are well glad and well nourished, they are very excited, they are easily distracted, have a limited attention span, and can turn off at will.

Then there are the school’s auxiliary staff, who are drawn from a wide area, and their goals are quite simple: to learn and live together in understanding and tolerance, and to provide children with a stale learning environment.

To accomplish this, school life must be based on mutual respect for all of its members as well as understanding of the difficulties and problems they face. The principal and teachers are responsible for the entire area of working relations with the school community.

The principal or head of unit must never be closed to any students, parents, staff, members, education officer, and policy makers, and he/she must also be prepared to listen at any time to seemingly trivial details that are, of course, vital to the complainants.


Order of good conduct: actions that result from training in a system of rules and good behavior, as well as respect for accepted rules and regulations or a specific institution and society.

Indiscipline: This refers to the bad conduct or bad behavior of students who do not follow a school’s rules and regulations.

Trained teachers include education graduates, National Certificate holders, and Diploma holders.

Untrained teachers are teachers who have been assigned to teach in a primary school but have no formal teacher education, i.e. (no educational qualification)

Respondents: people who answer questions during interviews or fill out questionnaires for research purposes.

A student is a person who is enrolled in a primary school and is pursuing a course of study and instruction.

A parent-teacher association is an organization in which parents or students and teachers at a specific school meet to discuss issues affecting and concerning the school and students.

The principal is the head of the secondary school, whether it is public or private. He is in charge of everything, etc.

Delinquency is defined as wrongdoing or failing to perform a duty at school or at home.



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