Computer Software Retailer Business Plan
Executive Summary
Eagle Computers is a one-stop-shop for IBM-compatible computer users. We are located in the center of Kailua-Kona, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Our location is a major asset, as it is accessible to both the largest concentration of the local community as well as tourism to the island.
We will offer a wide selection of latest-technology computer hardware, custom-built computer systems, computer service, computer rentals by the hour, and networking services. We are dedicated to providing consistently high client satisfaction by rendering excellent service, carrying items that are not locally available, and furnishing a warm, pleasant atmosphere at a competitive price. Our work environment will be one of respect for our clients and our community.
The timing is right for starting this new venture. Our target area is the North Kona and South Kona districts of Hawaii County. Presently, there is only one other computer store in these districts that handles IBM-compatible computers, and that store focuses primarily on computer service, not hardware sales.
We have polled the Kona community and have received an overwhelming response that there is a definite need for a more comprehensive resource for computer sales and service in our target area.
We will offer solutions to the community not provided by any of our competitors. With over 13 years of experience in the computer industry, information industry, management and retail, Jim and Judy Johnson have the skills necessary to make this venture extremely successful and profitable.
To achieve our objectives, Eagle Computers is seeking a start-up loan. This loan will be paid back from the cash flow of the business within ten years, collateralized by the assets of the company, backed by personal integrity, experience, and a contractual guarantee from the owners. This loan will be used to purchase inventory, increase working capital, and assist in start-up costs.
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1.1 Objectives
The objectives for Eagle Computers are outlined below:
To create a service-based company whose goal is to exceed customer’s expectations. Sales increase to over a quarter-million dollars by end of second year and increase modestly in the third year. To increase the number of customers serviced by at least 20% per year through superior performance and word-of mouth referrals. Have a customer return rate of 90% by end of first year. Become an established community destination by end of first year.1.2 Mission
To provide the West Hawaii community with quality brand-name products, computer and networking solutions, reliable and professional technical support, and unparalleled customer service through the application of the principles of kina`ole and heartfelt aloha, and to earn a fair profit for our employee-owners and stakeholders by embracing sound, ethical business practices.
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1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success in our business are:
Superior Customer Service: provide reliable, high-quality service and products, and an expedient turn-around time on repairs. Environment: provide a clean, friendly, and comfortable environment conducive to giving professional trusting service.
Convenience: offering clients a wide selection of computer products and services in one environment; including custom-built computers, computer diagnosis and repair, networking, and in-store computer stations where clients can buy time to browse the Internet, check e-mail, and download their digital photos from their camera memory cards onto discs.
Location: provide an easily accessible location for customer convenience. Reputation: credibility, integrity, and 100% dedication from 13+ years of experience in the computer industry.

Computer Software Retailer Business Plan
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